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Wednesday, October 27, 2021

@CNBC: When will @McDonalds make up for useless #touchscreens in #2020? Or upgrade drive-through so microphones work? Or coordinate the #MobileApp with the actual menu? Or allow a #LocalMinimumWage? #HiringNow @bizrpt

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

@Thom_Hartmann I watch #Bewitched for Sam's beatnik brunette lookalike. See also the #NicoleKidman update and the early episodes of #WandaVision in the aftermath of #AvengersEndGame.
#MoreFromThom #FSTV #RenegadeHistorian #RonaldCusterReagan #666 @WCPT820

Monday, October 18, 2021

@NytTimes: @RadioGuyChris wish I could hear about this, but his son #MichaelPowell of the #FCC banned it. He finally found his #WeaponOfMassDestruction. #FSTV #SLPN @StephMillerShow #SmShow #MoreFromThom #TeamRandi #WMD #AnthraxVial

Sunday, October 17, 2021

@RbReich: @tomhanks must be having flashbacks from #CharlieWilsonsWar, abandoning #Afghanistan to help #TheChicagoBoys win the #PostColdWar. #RenegadeHistorian #FSTV
@ZeroHedge: @FareedZakaria of #CNN warned us in #2010 how we needed a $1T #InfrastructurePlan, what we needed about #1990. The rise of #CitizensUnited and the #TeaParty by @RickSantelli and the fall of #AirAmericaRadio rendered moot @SeanPenn lecturing the doomed Congress. #FairGameMovie

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

@RandiRhodes: #JohnOliver covered, in all but name, what #NormanGoldman feared: #narrowcasting through #WhatsApp etc. often not in English.
@RandiRhodes: #Medieval is technically 476 to 1453, but 1002 and the founding of #Oxford is more useful, like #EleanorOfAquitaine and the 1152 #HenryII #TheLionInWinter.

Sunday, October 10, 2021

@RichardSyrett: #RenegadeHistorian asks, huh? Military men like him and @MalcolmNance spend decades outside #Americanism, unaware of its harsh reality: unequal auctions for necessities and #ReverseAuctions to sell #GoodsAndServices, #MonopolyAndMonopsony. Ask @Thom_Hartmann and @profwolff.
@PaulRieckoff: Is he giving #buzzcuts in Heaven? @ColbertShow #LSSC #RenegadeHistorian #Salute #Odierno

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

@StephMillerShow workout?
@RadioGuyChris #SmShow
@TheRealTBone @MissionFilm

Monday, October 4, 2021

#MittGetsWorse #CBS and #NBC deserve blame for inflicting Trump upon us, not just #Facebook, instead of his 11-23-2016 appointment with @LisaBloom about #ChildRape. #FSTV #SLPN
@StephMillerShow as #CaptainCarter
https://www.instagram.com/reel/CUXpODVAQOa/?utm_medium=share_sheet @RadioGuyChris @TheRealTBone #SmShow #FSTV

Sunday, October 3, 2021

@MeetThePress #MTP what is the point of @PeggyNoonanNyc whining about a $1.5T #infrastructure budget when she created #666 #RonaldCusterReagan and his $1T debt? @FareedZakaria of #CNN warned of this need in #2010 after the fall of #AirAmericaRadio and the rise of #CitizensUnited.
@HillaryClinton ran a #2008 race in #2016, making @DrJillStein seem like a good idea. Ask @VanJones68, @DonnaBrazile and @Greg_Palast for details on the #BushvGore replay.
@morgfair @MarshaBlackburn must never hear from @AlGore about the movie his father was in about the #TennesseeValleyAuthority. #aManCalledSloane #SimonAndSimon #FoxNews #FSTV #SLPN #TeamRandi #MoreFromThom #RenegadeHistorian #666 #666FifthAvenue @currentTV @StephMillerShow #SmShow 
@JeffreyGuterman: Is this the #Arliss #Hbo episode with @TheOnlyEdAsner as a #baseball announcer who starts to call an ancient game? ⚾️ 
@POTUS45 could have stopped 9-11 times twenty if I had been his #RenegadeHistorian, including #LongCovid, #DeadLungs and #DeadKidneys. #CanStandUpWillStandUp #SLPN
@RbReich: What have we been defending since #666 #RonaldCusterReagan, the right to bomb the #PhiladelphiaMoveBuilding then steal evidence aka bodies? #FSTV
@CBSSunday #iAmNmb your #Facebook story was a joke. In 2005, #MySpace was the big deal, and #smartphones were still crude, and his lawsuits were against his co-founders. #WhatsApp is a similar threat by #narrowcasting among #antivaxxer #Haitians and #OrthodoxJews et al. @CBSMiami

Saturday, October 2, 2021

@JimmyCarter deserved a second term, instead of #666 #RonaldCusterReagan. Has anyone written an #AlternativeHistory of Carter getting the credit for his efforts, like getting the #FederalReserve to squeeze out #stagflation? #RenegadeHistorian
@HalSparks #RenegadeHistorian I guess some countries are trying to use #cryptocurrency instead of #dollarization, like on @RT_America. @Marketplace did a story about the #PeriodicTableOfElements with only a few metals stable enough for use as #money. @YukonGoldTV fans? @WCPT820
@FloridaRoundup except @StephanieKelton proved real #inflation is rare, compared to #stagflation caused by bubbles as #aluminum and other commodities return from the #CovidShutdown. Ask @MiamiBeachNews about the @CityofTLH takeover that prevented a #MinimumWage boost. @WLRN #FSTV

Friday, October 1, 2021

@Thom_Hartmann: That's like blaming voters for @RalphNader in the #FloridaRecount. Ask @Greg_Palast about what @HillaryClinton allies did to undermine @BernieSanders in #California. Provide #SecondChoiceVoting, or say #GoodbyToLiberals while seeking imaginary crossover votes. #FSTV @progvoice
@Mark_Sheppard: @CharltonHeston taught us, #TheStrongMakeManyTheWeakMakeFewTheDeadMakeNone. That #CharltonHeston of #TheTenCommandments, you #AllegedChristians. Don't tell @JohnFugelsang or @HalSparks or @StephMillerShow. #SmShow #FSTV #SLPN
@fromthebunkerjr #RenegadeHistorian has to pull rank. The Sun will go @NovaPbs, never #supernova like the #CrabNebula. Stop @Sen_JoeManchin, #EndCarbonSubsidies. Steph's friend @DeFede was the only one to ask #FPL why they would tax private #SolarPower. #SmShow #FSTV #SLPN