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Monday, April 30, 2018

@realDonaldTrump @FoxNews was created by @RogerAiles as a propaganda channel for his old boss #Nixon.  Your job is to be informed, or at least not misinformed.  Even @RT_America, blessed by @PutinRF_Eng and controversial, would serve you better. @freespeechtv and @progvoice beat @cnn and @MSNBC.
@mschlapp How dare we mock #Dolt45 the #RussianViceroy and his thieving, murderous henchmen?  @bpshow @StephMillerShow @Thom_Hartmann @nicolesandler @RandiRhodes @normangoldman #MikeMalloy
@WLRN @TheHermanCain and his #NationalRestaurantAssociation legalized #WageTheft with the #TippedWage.  #PlanTenFromNMB would give a $10K #BasicIncome and a $10 #MinimumWage for a #TenPercent #TotalStateSalesTax and fund $10K per student #VPK20.  Managers share tips?  #BossHoggTax
@MadamSecretary #MadamSecretary @BenBova did you write this based on #1998 data?  How #CarbonNeutral is it to dig up the #uranium and #lead, etc.?  Even if all waste goes to one football field, have fun building a 10,000-year-old religion about #GlowingCatsEyes as dangerous. End $5T in #CarbonSubsidies first!
@WalshFreedom #RenegadeHistorian here.  Please describe what you want, preferably not #RaceConsciousness like in #TheTurnerDiaries or the needless gun-toting @ClivenBundy showdown with the @BLMNational.  I want everyone housed, fed, schooled and with medical care.  What is your counteroffer?
@WalshFreedom #RenegadeHistorian is here to remind that we were never united, except maybe #TheEraOfGoodFeeling under Monroe.  Shall I tutor you, or go straight to @realDonaldTrump?

Sunday, April 29, 2018

@60minutes #60minutes how many of the graduates will be stuck in a #WageTheft #LaborCartel like what enriched him?  How many of those jobs will be #Outsourced?  Create #StateBanks to loan college money at #PrimeRate, with #LoanForgiveness options for #NonProfitJobs.

Saturday, April 28, 2018

@reveal Best heard after 1996 @torn #PlightOfTheOverEducated, then @Marketplace #TheUncertainHour about the 1996 law that kept many poor people out of nonprofit college.
@chrishemsworth pulls off a mask to reveal @LiamHemsworth.  #FakeAvengersSpoilers #LSSC @ThorOfficial
@CharlieDaniels #ThatWasThenThisIsNow. @LisaBloom knows @realDonaldTrump is likely a #ChildRapist. @MalcolmNance knows he is a #RussianAsset. #MuellerIsComing #TrumpTowerMeeting @LesterHoltNBC interview #RussiaIfYouCanFindHerEmails #900MillionInDebt #MultipleBankruptcies @freespeechtv @progvoice
@realJamesWoods I voted for @Dennis_Kucinich; any lies or errors were merely baseline, considering he only had a #FilibusterProof Senate three months before @RickSantelli remade the @TeaPartyExpress away from #PamStout.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

@1a @AndyPuzder Please play the #RonaldWilsonReagan #666 clip about #SocialSecurity being separate from the #NationalDebt.  The #BankBailout paid for itself, but repeated the Herbert Hoover blunder of not refinancing mortgages first, saving homes from @stevenmnuchin1 in #TheBigShort.
@1A @AndyPuzder I was in 1989 Poland, seeing long lines and a lot of clothes in a department store all of the same color of maroon, with @fiat Polskis on the road.  Your guest is among the #Outliers by @malcolmgladwell #BabyBoomers who enjoyed the WWII benefits.  USSR and #Venezuela are oil!
@1A @AndyPuzder America has never had #capitalism, balancing #SupplyAndDemand, but mostly variations of #mercantilism that rely on wage theft.  We replaced #slaves and #IndenturedServants with #UnpaidInterns and 15% a wk #PayDayLoans.  We need #PlanTenFromNMB with a $10 min. wage, $10K UBI, etc.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

@HillaryClinton @RudyGiuliani should be in #Gitmo for putting his emergency office in the old #WorldTradeCenter, then for destroying the crime scene to retrieve #GoldBullion.

Saturday, April 21, 2018

@realDonaldTrump Sir, @Nigeria has a #ResourceCurse of oil, which trained locals in computers and English.  When oil was too cheap, they were abandoned, turning them into #NigerianPrince scammers and loverboy con men.  They do not generally live in huts.  Why do our employed live in cars?

Friday, April 20, 2018

@ABC2020 @DianeSawyer Ask @RealHermanCain about why the #NationalRestaurantAssociation lobbies for lower #TippedWages instead of @BasicIncome, #PayEquity, #MedicareForAll and #StudentDebtRelief.  #CanStandUpWillStandUp #PlanTenFromNmb #ABC2020

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

@Thom_Hartmann #THP http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/WesternAnimation/TheBOTSMaster describes a cartoon where well-meaning robots try to buy a gift for their creator, and cluelessly buy a female model from a catalog.  Their friendly rivals kidnap his evil would-be love interest. @freespeechtv @progvoice #FSTV

Sunday, April 15, 2018

@OrrinHatch yes, #Facebook is funded by advertising, like in the old 1824 Boston newspaper The Advocate, reporting #Rebecca Reed and #Lafayette visiting #Jefferson and the grave of #Washington. You delivered the original, right?  #TheInternetIsaSeriesOfTubes said @TedStevenson.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

@BpShow #BpShow Should governors run on forcing #Schoolteachers and support staff to moonlight as #ArmedGuards, calling for #synergy and #WorkforceDevelopment?  Or just librarians and coaches, already split between schools?  #FSTV @freespeechtv @progvoice

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

@CharlieDaniels watch the end of @BlackLightning from tonight, #TheDevilDealsTheCards.
@CharlieDaniels Sir, @realDonaldTrump #TheApprentice aspires to be the @GreatestShowman, but with even less knowledge, empathy and thought.  He is unworthy of your support.  He is not #TheDevil; he lacks the #FiddleMadeOfGold, and the talent to play it, worthy of your soul.  #MuellerTime
@ColbertLateShow #LSSC Does the #SilenceOfTheLambs references call back to the #aGreatDealOfTheFun quote by @realDonaldTrump?

Sunday, April 8, 2018

@InstinctCbs When will someone explain how normal is the statistical norm of whatever 68 percent of people do, healthy or ethical or normal or not?
@InstinctCbs When will someone explain how normal is the statistical norm of whatever 68 percent of people do, healthy or ethical or normal or not?  
@GlennaOn10 #TWISF #ClearBackpacks are so #Columbine.  Ex-felons without #VotingRights violates their #DoubleJeopardy and #CruelAndUnusual rights.  Blame lame #ForProfitColleges for robbing students of #VocationalEducation; @RBReich sought #STEM if not #STEAM.  $10K per student across #Florida!
@MorningEdition #AskCokie Do you still think journalists need at least a degree in history or English?  @DavidPakman says memory is a superpower; I say, it is a fortress that can become a prison.  Is #China risking #isolationism, like in #1421, or will it ignore its #AntTribe of barely educated workers?

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

@cspan Also, remember #MLK50 lost popularity in his final five years by opposing the #VietNamWar, and losing #MalcolmX as his bad cop in 1965.  #TheAscentOfMoney on @Memphis #poverty despite #EasyCredit.  @MorningEdition @BpShow @freespeechtv @todayin1968