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Wednesday, September 26, 2018

@GlennaWPLG #TWISF I hope @RepDeSantis or @AndrewGillum will explain how to encourage #KidneyDonation despite the two-month recovery time, when #PaidLeave is a scarce luxury.  @DaVita will not shrink soon.  @AdamPutnam runs #SecurityGuards; who protects them?  @DeFede @CbsMiami

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

@DeFede:  Now that we know both men are more conservative than #MLK, #Nixon and #MiltonFriedman, all 3 who sought the #BasicIncome, how will they confront crises that include a #OnePercent who won most of the income vs the #OnePercent of people who have college degrees and #poverty? #TWISF
@DeFede:  @CbsMiami thank you for guests even @GlennaWplg cannot get, like @DaphneCampbell and the #FPL advocate for privately taxing #SolarPower.  Can @AndrewGillum and @RepDeSantis differentiate between #mercantilism #WageTheft, profiteer-fighting #socialism, and #capitalism?  #TWISF

Thursday, September 20, 2018

@Ocasio2018 How about a #FiftyPercentTopMarginalIncomeTax on #millionaires like #RonaldWilsonReagan #666 had in 1981 to pay for the #GlobalWarOnTerrorism until the #NationalDebt drops to $10T?  #PlanTenFromNmb includes #BasicIncome.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

@FreeBlackGirl If @SeanPenn had promoted the @ValeriePlame movie in May 2010 instead of testifying before Congress, maybe we could have avoided the #TeaParty inflicted by @RickSantelli of @CNBC plus the @MittRomney murder of #LiberalMedia on #ClearChannel like @940WINZ.
@WlrnSundial When will immigrants assimilate into South Florida?  They mostly just run over or chase out the locals, whether the Jews and Italians who came with G. I. Bills for education and housing in the 1950s, the Cubans with the anti-Communism Act of 1959, et al. #IamNMB hollowed out now.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

@Marketplace when did we switch from #GNP to #GDP?  Create #U7 for jobs over #MinimumWage, #U8 above $10, #U9 about $15.  Track the #GiniIndex for #WealthDisparity.

Monday, September 17, 2018

@FrankLuntz: What about #PlanTenFromNmb including a #TenPercent #TotalSalesTax, #TenDollarsAnHour #MinimumWage without the #WageTheft #TippedWage from @TheHermanCain, $10K per student VPK to Ph.D., and $10K #BasicIncome?  #CapitalismNotMercantilism

Sunday, September 16, 2018

@GlennaWPLG: #MedicareForAll, as #LBJ planned and #RonaldWilsonReagan thwarted, might force for-profit #HealthInsurance and #hospitals into #nonprofit like they were.  How is denying #VotingRights to #ExFelons not a violation of rights against #DoubleJeopardy and #CruelAndUnusualPunishment?

Saturday, September 15, 2018

@WashingtonWeek: @realDonaldTrump wanting to tank the @DowJones etc. only makes sense if he is regressing to the young man from #Queens striving to make his name in #Manhattan.  His love of low-interest rates is rational if he is constantly in debt, not with surpluses that need safe haven.

Friday, September 14, 2018

@WLRN:  @UBS took how much money from #PuertoRico, coming and going?  $70B like #Ukraine?  It may have to build a #LastStand retreat.  @AndrewGillum vs @RepDeSantis is #capitalism versus #mercantilism, not even German #socialism where #labor gets equal votes on #corporate boards.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

@Marketplace When has #AlanGreenspan been right?  He is the best argument for absorbing the Federal Reserve in the @USTreasury!  He was terrified that @BillClinton would end the @NationalDebt, which @AlGore might have done if his votes were counted.  #PlanTenFromNmb #BasicIncome
@Marketplace having many small banks in the 80s was #PureCompetition compared to the current #oligopoly.  How many jobs has @BainCapital erased through @iHeartRadio by format-changing liberal stations like @940WINZ, not just setting #DebtBombs in @SportsAuthority and @ToysRUs?
@Marketplace Tuesday's Marketplace had me screaming for three reasons.  Political questions of #socialism vs. #capitalism forgets #mercantilism by #WageTheft.    2008 collapse ignored #AlanGreenspan refusing to track #derivatives going back to 2001 if not the S&L debacle of 1988.
@Marketplace Zealots often destroy #libraries, not just in movies like #Cleopatra and #Agora, but a current critic claims @Amazon has largely replaced them already.  Maybe if you have an extra $10K for your family library; how many of 330M Americans is that?  #BenjaminFranklin

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

@RuthieConnell This #RenegadeHistorian further notes, women were pushed aside in both the modern world, as nation-states emerged after 1492, not just the early modern period after 1100 that only allowed a few strong women like #EleanorOfAquitaine around 1152.  Witches circa 1692, May-December.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

@StephMillerShow #SmShow should correlate the 3000+ Americans #GeorgeWalkerBushJr #666 let die unavenged today in 2001 with the same number dead in #PuertoRico from @realDonaldTrump 'and #666FifthAvenue and the hurricane.Read #IntelligenceMatters by #BobGraham.

How Sen. Prescott Bush Gave Us September 11th

1. Senator Bush hired Richard Nixon, who became President by promising South Korea more money than if LBJ ended the Vietnam War.
2. Nixon returned the favor, after Congressman George H.W. Bush lost to Lloyd Bentsen in a Texas Senate race, making him U.N. Amb.
3. Bush #41 reneged on his claim that Reaganomics was Voodoo Economics, installing Clarence Thomas and creating monsters in Iraq.
4. Clarence Thomas returned the favor by tilting Bush v. Gore away from Florida voters to his friends at the Heritage Foundation.
5. Bush #43 killed Pat Tillman by refusing to pursue al-Qaeda warnings as late as August 6, 2001 and not asking the Taliban for OBL.

Sunday, September 9, 2018

@RuthieConnell: @MonicaLewinsky deserves an apology from @NewtGingrich for the shutdown that put her in the @WhiteHouse, a problem from the #LuciferEffect by @PhilZimbardo. Your appearance on the @cw_spn spoof by @HillywoodShow should have come with a warning label, surprising the Winchesters.
@GlennaWPLG This election will decide amongst #socialism to help employees, #mercantilism to help employers or #capitalism to balance the two sides, like #Germany does by having half their corporate boards represent #labor. Will profit come from a well-trained, well-rested #workforce? #TWISF
@CNBC In the 1980s, I knew more about oil and natural gas from watching @DallasTnt and the original, and #SolarPower from @DukesOfHazzard that he does now.  When will he hire me as a #RenegadeHistorian to offset the $5T in global #CarbonSubsidies including @Koch_Industries?  #WeAreKoch
@GlennaWPLG Where is #DoctorOrchid?  In the new #ClueGame.  Whilst I watch #DrWhoAndTheDaleks with #PeterCushing, remember that #SocialSecurity is not a bank account, but an insurance plan updated by #RonaldWilsonReagan #666 to create the current surplus after sabotaging @MedicareGov. #TWISF

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

@BobPisani @NYSE @CNBC:  How long did it take to repay the $787B #BankBailout?  Was there any real attempt to bank shot the money to refinance mortgages instead of a repeat of the blunder by Hoover, only saving the remaining banks?  @FiringLineShow
@FoxAndFriends @GovMikeHuckabee:  @realDonaldTrump has yet to prove any mastery of #capitalism or #entrepeneurship.  Mike, I accidentally saw a bit of your show on @TBN where you complain about taxing workers to subsidize non-workers, and I agree.  Why is @SecretaryCarson sending HUD money to @SeanHannity?

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Where is this?
@DaVita Where is this address?  #QuoVadis #IamNmb
@HalSparks Sad but true.  I disagree with you that @BarackObama came to us a generation too early.  What if #JesseJackson were elected in #1988 after an impeachment attempt on #RonaldWilsonReagan #666?