Gifts under $30-468x60banner

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

@TheTakeaway from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: I hope you and your guests on #smartphone security watch #ThePresidentsAnalyst together. @WLRN @WIOD

Sunday, December 27, 2015

@Marketplace from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: I answer @QueenElizabeth, who would have exposed #TheBigShort? #TooManyCheerleadersNotEnoughReferees

@Marketplace from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL:  your story about #ColumbiaHouse ignored its role in #VHS, reel-to-reel and other pre-digital media.

Thursday, December 24, 2015

@taylorswift13 at least 2 young female singers are anti-Republican. After @SpeakerBoehner misused your song lyrics, are you next? @SmShow

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

@CNN #60minutes from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: with all the #GopDebate references to the #PersianGulfWar, who talked to Nadja?#Pentagon #surplus

@RealDonaldTrump from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: when will you go after @JebBush, for signing #PNAC, and @MarcoRubio for promising it? W! @SmShow

Sunday, December 20, 2015

@WLRN @MorningEdition from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL:  your #Japan story called the #namechanging law #feudal.  #Anachronism!  Try #EarlyModern.

Saturday, December 19, 2015

@JimmyKimmelLive should I #auction my #PolicyAdvisor skills after the #GopDebate, $1M obo?  @TedCruz @SmShow @BpShow
Yes or no.

@SmShow from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL:  my #ChristmasWish is to see you as #GloriaSwanson, @JohnFugelsang as young @Thom_Hartmann. @FreeSpeechTv

@WLRN from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL:  please look up #EighthAmendment against #CruelAndUnusualPunishment, if only in the #DoctorWho #wikia.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

@JohnFugelsang from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL:  when will you play @Thom_Hartmann hearing @SmShow as #GloriaSwanson talking about #JoeKennedySr?

@StevePomeranz of #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: #Y2K was nonsense? It was expensive #infrastructure  to fix a #70s bug in the #90s! #OnTheMoneyRadio

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

@WPLGLocal10 @CbsMiami @Nbc6 @WSVN @WPBT2 #TrumpOnCNN who needs my help against @RealDonaldTrump the most?  @RealBenCarson or @JebBush

Sunday, December 6, 2015

@Freakonomics from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: I must have missed the parts where deregulated land booms hurt us in 1929 and 2008, and #AIG $1Q.

@POTUS from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL:  I hope you can connect #gasoline sold by #ISIL as two threats to #America, #terrorism and #ClimateChange.

Whom should I get paid to advise? @NicoleSandler @RandiRadio @SmShow @Thom_Hartmann @GlennaOn10 @DeFede @WIOD @WLRN
@RealDonaldTrump or @RealBenCarson?

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

@Marketplace from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: #Facebook #LLC #noncharity is nice, but risks the #WarrenBuffett #GeorgeLucas trap. #WeAreKoch @WLRN

Sunday, November 29, 2015

@MajorityFm from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL:  did you hear #AndyKindler on @Marketplace about #CreditCards?

@MajorityFm from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL:  when will you or #KenKenAndKen talk to #AliciaWitt of #Worster?

@Thom_Hartmann #Talk2Thom: your panelist feared subsidizing @CouchPotatoes, ignoring homeless @CouchSurfing. 50s retire, 20s school, 40 hrs!

Saturday, November 28, 2015

@McLaughlinGroup #McLaughlinGroup of #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: what did #DrSpock have to do with #StarTrek? What does #PatBuchanan know?  @WPBT2

@WashingtonWeek #WashWeek from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL:  #FearTurnsToAnger? #StarWars #ThePhantomMenace #Yoda

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

@GOP from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL:  no #GopDebate, have @MarkBurnettTV, @TavisSmiley and @MorganSpurlock make the candidates live on #MinWage.

@Thom_Hartmann from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL:  how do I send you a DVD of #WINDTALKERS and a #Navajo speaking #GiJoe #ActionFigure? Not #Apache!

Monday, November 23, 2015

@WLRN from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: also read the book #GaspingForAir of how the #TelecommunicationsActOf1996 led to homogenized nonlocal news.

@WLRN from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: also read the book #GaspingForAir of how the #TelecommunicationsActOf1996 led to homogenized nonlocal news.

@WLRN from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: does #BryanNorcross get asked for the autographs of @StevenWeber or @ScottBakula? Did he talk to #BobSoper?

@SmShow of #NorthMiamiBeach #FL:  draft @MittRomney on why he liked the #Vietnam draft on his way to #France, and how he voted illegally.

@tedcruz from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL:  proof #TheresNoSuchThingAsaSanityClause @SmShow @Thom_Hartmann @MajorityFm

@SmShow from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: did I hear @JebBush quote #TheAmericanPresident about #SeriousLeadership? He should pay me to advise him!

Sunday, November 22, 2015

@OverToYouBBC of #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: #LocalWarming in @Lagos #Nigeria forgets the #oil #ResourceCurse that gave us phony #NigerianPrinces.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

@MarthaStewart @Macys how did @AdamSandler get you to do the @PixelsMovie?  He used every family member; where was @NicoleSandler?

Friday, November 20, 2015

@cbcradioq @PiuEatwell remember the #2004 story of how #France had higher #productivity per hour than #America which had more hours. @WLRN

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

@SmShow from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: did you compete with #MichelleMonaghan, @PixelsMovie? The scene of crying in closet drinking #chardonnay!

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

@TraceeEllisRoss #TheTalk @TheTalkCBS from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL:  are you the missing twin of @itsJulieBowen?  @BlackishWriters @CbsMiami

Saturday, November 14, 2015

@MSNBC @Dysonpodcast #America deported #Mexicans in the #1940s including #citizens; see the movie #MiFamilia with @JLo.

@GuitarAtheist @Thom_Hartmann says #Heaven has #72raisins not #72virgins.  #HeavenMeansTheWaterThere #CheapOilHurtsIsis

@WLRN @TopicalCurrents of #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: @TheMiamiBeachCC has many related problems besides a #RisingSeaLevel.  #WageDisparity, #jobs

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

@FoxBusiness @BobbyJindal respect the #military by not putting it another #Curveball #quagmire for the #terrorists of #PNAC?

@SmShow from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: were you auditioned for the role of Cat? #YoureaLesbian #KeepingUpWiththeKryptonians #Supergirl @CbsMiami

Sunday, November 8, 2015

@StevePomeranz from @iHeartMiami305:  Thanks for dealing with @PayDayLoans.  The trouble is 70M people are victims of legal @WageTheft. $15!

Friday, November 6, 2015

@SmShow from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: have you played a song #Pyramid by #AlanParsonsProject for @RealBenCarson? @Thom_Hartmann @NormanGoldman

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

@EdShow from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL:  did anyone attack @RealDonaldTrump over #TrumpUniversity?  @MarcoRubio won in #2010 by #pluralities .

@EdShow from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL:  did anyone attack @RealDonaldTrump over #TrumpUniversity?  @MarcoRubio won in #2010 by #pluralities .

Thursday, October 29, 2015

@yanirajohnson Welcome to the family.  I am the resident hater of #StarWars; the military program not the movies.  Domnogin . Blogspot .com

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

@TaylorSwift13 from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: did you respond to @SpeakerBoehner about his misuse of your songs, like #BlankSpace? I warned him!

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

@ABC #WorldNewsTonight from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL:  @BobWoodruff story on #Myanmar #Burma ignores its #ResourceCurse #rubies.  @NormanGoldman

@sensualgifs from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: #IgnoreTheBlonde said @RussellCrowe in #aBeautifulMind.  #RobinHood reuses it.

@MSNBC with all due respect to @VP, why are you covering him instead of @Lessig2016 and others?

Sunday, October 18, 2015

@60Minutes #60minutes from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL:  what happens when #SyrianRefugees come to #Germany and compete for jobs against #Turks?

@GlennaOn10 from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL:  show where an armed civilian stopped a #gunman in the last 30 years.  #NYPD at the #ESB!  #OpenCarry

Saturday, October 17, 2015

@ThisWeekABC I could hear this #WarCriminal better from @ICCT_TheHague #TheresNoHistoryOfSectarianViolenceInIraq

@ABC2020 Disgusting fantasy episode. Show the #affluenza prequel how the #fortune was made without #UnionLabor or #FreeMarketCompetition.

@ABC2020 Disgusting fantasy episode. Show the #affluenza prequel how the #fortune was made without #UnionLabor or #FreeMarketCompetition.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

@CharlieRoseShow the @DrKissingerPhD book #appeasement story arc ignores the #EdwardWoodward documentary that #PeaceInOurTime delayed #WWII.

@Cigarvolante @Communist_Dog @cspanwj Ask @China how worthless #American @USTreasury bonds, cash.  #FullFaithAndCredit vs. #TheGoldStandard

@TPM I have offered to help as a policy consultant.  How many do you know argued with #EdwardTeller, about #SDI, and won?  #1991 vs. #2002

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

@DrShow from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL:  could @BarackObama tell the @IRS to charge #IncomeTax to #CorporationsArePeopleMyFriend?  #TheInformant

@WLRN @FloridaRoundup from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: will #residents abandon the #Broadwalk and #OceanDrive to #canoes and #PantherCars? #Venice

@WLRN #TFR #FloridaRoundup from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: what #percentage of #Florida afford to shop or live in #hotspots? Where is #Edgewater?

@OnPointRadio @WLRN of #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: is your show sponsored by #Bayer, inventor of #heroin? #aPillForEveryIll #PhillipSeymourHoffman

@SmShow from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL:  I asked @realDonaldTrump for a job as his #DirectorOfLessonsLearned. Should I offer same #KevinMcCarthy?

@CNN from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL:  why is #America still in #Afghanistan? The #CaspianSeaPipeline or $1T in minerals? #Heroin? @MajorityFm

@USRealityCheck @GOP is #ChristianZionists who only care about @AIPAC and the hill #Armageddon.  @DNC cares about @Israel.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

@SmShow from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL:  #iSmellToast because I made it.  @JebBush and #Bush43#FaceTheGrayson #SamuraiCulture of #80s and #2000s.

Monday, October 12, 2015

@RealBenCarson from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL:  you #robocalled me today, I saw you on @CharlieRoseShow, I heard you on @Marketplace. #iCanHelp

@Bronwyn_Helmuth #TripleJubilee on #debts #EdCredAndMed would cost less than #OperationIraqiLiberation and stimulate more.  @Thom_Hartmann

@CbsNews from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL:  does #SteveKroft of #60minutes know anything, esp. compared to @POTUS?  @SmShow @mcuban @Thom_Hartmann

Saturday, October 3, 2015

@WLRN from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL:  where will #teachers, #nurses, and #aides live? Pay $70K for the first two, $35K for the latter, no tests!

Thursday, October 1, 2015

@TheTakeaway @SmShow @Thom_Hartmann 2nd #Carter term would have ended the #IranHostageCrisis because #RonaldWilsonReagan #666 promise moot.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

@OnPointRadio I still hate #Aristotle.  #WorklifeBalance dates back to #TheFeminineMystique and the hope one full-time job would be two PT.

@MajorityFm @SmShow from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL:  #TPP interview on the 28th was like @IBM vs. @USSR in the book #FutureShock.  #Mercantilism

Sunday, September 27, 2015

@armywife1229 @BrandonTWebb I am certain it tells the truth. Does it say how many become #chiropractors and how few get 20-year #retirement?

@FreedomWorks How else will #RedStates send #money to #MarvinBush like it did with @NCLB?  No testing, like for @KevinoLearyTv in #Finland!

@StateDept #Terrorism could vanish if all $5T in #CarbonSubsidies were repealed!  #NCTC @Thom_Hartmann @SmShow @MajorityFm @NormanGoldman

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

@SmShow Internet's Jaw Drops At Image Of Christina Ricci Dressed As Morticia Addams - Yahoo News http://news.yahoo.com/internets-jaw-drops-at-image-of-christina-ricci-160247759.html#cover-157fe65fa351f054d045b1e73291e533?soc_src=sh&soc_trk=tw via @YahooNews

@SmShow Internet's Jaw Drops At Image Of Christina Ricci Dressed As Morticia Addams - Yahoo News http://news.yahoo.com/internets-jaw-drops-at-image-of-christina-ricci-160247759.html#cover-157fe65fa351f054d045b1e73291e533?soc_src=sh&soc_trk=tw via @YahooNews

Monday, September 21, 2015

@WLRN @Marketplace stop #ClimateChange is #capitalist not #socialist or #mercantilist. $5T #CarbonSubsidies like  #OperationIraqiLiberation.

@MSNBC wrong question. @JebBush @ExcelinEd is like @Jims_Excuses only less funny. #RightToRise is the #MirrorImage of #FreedomToFail by #RR.

@FoxNewsSunday #FNS did I miss the @CarlyFiorina question about her #EmailScandal at @HP or did @KarlRove give it a #LevelSevenWipe? @SmShow

Friday, September 18, 2015

@FreedomPartners when can we #EndTheCap $118K of taxing for #SocialSecurity, or tax income of #CorporationsArePeopleMyFriends? @SmShow

Thursday, September 17, 2015

@SpeakerBoehner #WhosGoingToJail?  #CrudeExports help companies, not #America!  @BpShow @SmShow @NormanGoldman #WhoWantsaGlassOfMerlot

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

@WLRN @TopicalCurrents #DoctorWho event tonight, like #2013 #TheDayOfTheDoctor vs #Thor2, #blockbuster movies.


http://paulwalkarfan.blogspot.com/2015/01/insurance-plans-in-2015.html?m=1 not #KylieJenner as advertised.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

@SmShow #NorthMiamiBeach #FL:  #BuyMyBook have @realDonaldTrump call your #fluffer #AwesomeJournalist @DeFede #huge.

@SmShow from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: congratulations on twenty years since the TV show, and the new phone number. #8675309 #Jenny #FeelTheBern

@SmShow from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL:    are #CorporateMergers #SameSexMarriages?  Can they be denied by #KimDavis?  @Thom_Hartmann @BpShow

Monday, September 14, 2015

@grit_tv @SmShow from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL:  #ZaneGreyTheater is showing #TheLongShadow with Nancy and #RonaldWilsonReagan #666.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

@MarthaRaddatz @ThisWeekABC #ThisWeek @GlennaOn10 #TWISF: No mention of @GovernorPerry #MugShot on #bribery, @GovChristie wasting #pensions.

@MarthaRaddatz @ThisWeekABC #ThisWeek @GlennaOn10 #TWISF:  did the #NFL #501c3 affect #Concussion studies?  Ask #TimGreen #DarkSideOfTheGame

@MarthaRaddatz @ThisWeekABC #ThisWeek @GlennaOn10 #TWISF:  did the #NFL #501c3 affect #Concussion studies?  Ask #TimGreen #DarkSideOfTheGame

@ThisWeekABC #ThisWeek @GlennaOn10 #TWISF:  If fake, genius!  RT Obama To Receive Second Nobel Peace Prize - USAToday http://usatoday.com.co/obama-to-receive-second-nobel-peace-prize/

Saturday, September 12, 2015

@SmShow from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: tweet me if President @HillaryClinton or @SenSanders repeals #1996 so @RandiRadio, Ed can return. @BpShow

Friday, September 11, 2015

Can we make #OperationIraqiLiberation #oil worthless by ending $5T in #CarbonSubsidies so no more #SaudiArabia mess?

@PhilWilliamsHQ Too much in life is #subsidized by #ReverseRedlining, #ZombieWages, #SelectiveEnforcement, #Predatory Loans. @SmShow @BpShow

Thursday, September 10, 2015

@SmShow of #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: ask @AlGore about the @GovMikeHuckabee argument the #SupremeCourt not having the final say. @NormanGoldman

Monday, September 7, 2015

Saturday, September 5, 2015


@AdamBaldwin You can have the #TenthAmendment back when #SCOTUS gives back #Florida its #Y2K votes for @AlGore.  #Recount @MiamiHerald book

@CBSThisMorning @CbsMiami from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: #AdultColoringBooks as #therapy?  Thanks for the #infomercial for stuff I saw in #2004.

@CBSThisMorning @CbsMiami from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL:  #PaidNotToWork?  Like #unionized @WWE in the #80s?  How #ThomasPaine!  @Thom_Hartmann

@BlanchardGold He protested against ending the #NationalDebt by #2010, said it was his job to create #employment #instability.  #FeelTheBern

Friday, September 4, 2015


@MajorityFm from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL:  when did #Palestinians stop being #Jordanians, the #1948 #TwoStateSolution?  #YasserArafat in #1973?

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

@ABC from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL:  your #KidneyTransplant story on #WorldNewsTonight ignores the two-month #SickLeave needed.  @GlennaOn10

@Thom_Hartmann from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL:  #RonaldWilsonReagan #666 dealt with #Iran, so can @BarackObama.  #IranDeal

@Thom_Hartmann from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL:  @realDonaldTrump is #Batman, are you the #TwelfthDoctor of #DoctorWho?
#DeathInHeaven @BBCAMERICA

Monday, August 31, 2015

@RadioGuyChris from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL:  @WildKrattsOffic #Foosa in #Madagascar has a #villainess complain #EverythingIsWhiteAndFluffy.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

@MerrillLynch #ForProfitCollege has more to do with #deregulation and tricking #veterans into spending #MoreForLess on #BankruptcyProofLoans

Thursday, August 27, 2015


@Thom_Hartmann from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: #TheJailbreakJob 3rd #SeasonPremiere of @LeverageTnt was in a #PrivatePrison. #OrangeIsTheNewBlack

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

@RadioGuyChris from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL:  play the clip of #TheInformant with @MrTonyHale comparing white guys to a crime scene.  @GOP

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

@SmShow from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL:  @VP has served well for decades.  #2006 #bankruptcy law versus #CollegeLoans is still bad.  @MajorityFm

@TheTakeaway @PatrickMcGee_ Fake rice, fake auctions, #NobleHouse.  #Wages and #stocks mismatch!

Monday, August 24, 2015

@CNBCnow from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL:  play @Nightline with @TheMuppets and #TedKoppel on the #crash of #October19th1987.  @SmShow @MajorityFm

@SmShow from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL:  @FoxNewsSunday #FNS had @ShannonBream guest host.  Do all the women in the @FoxDollhouse look like that?

Sunday, August 23, 2015

@MichaelPutney @GlennaOn10 #TWISF from #NorthMiamiBeach:  @SenSanders is for #DemocraticSocialism, like #NorthernEurope and #NorthernStates.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

@SmShow of NorthMiamiBeach #FL:  all these comparisons between @realDonaldTrump and @KimKardashian begs for her to do a @FunnyOrDie #sketch.

@SmShow from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL:  I enjoy your show on @FreeSpeechTV. #CorporationsArePeople so imprison #employers of #Illegalimmigrants.

@SmShow from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL:  #Republicans should be forced to read #TheBookOfRisk like #Democrats were deluged with #Obsession DVDs.

@RadioGuyChris from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL:  caller, @POTUS @AlGore would have prevented #ClimateChange, #OperationIraqiLiberation thus #ISIL.

@RadioGuyChris from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL:  the #pyramids of #Egypt were up before the #Israelites arrived, ignorant caller!  #10Commandments

@MarketWatch If @Putin is a #SubmarineHero, why did he fail to save the #Kursk?  Name a @JimmyJohns #sandwich, fed to @MittRomney.  @SmShow

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

@PBPostNOW @pbpost @Publix #PublixDirect .com like in November 2001? With discount cards as seen in #TrainingVideos? What #AntiUnion videos?

@SmShow from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL:  maybe @realDonaldTrump has been watching @MoyersNews and @COSMOSonTV, not @24fox like @USArmy officers?

@TPM @terri_georgia @SmShow #MissingThePointEntirely @BpShow @Thom_Hartmann @MajorityFm @MikeMalloyShow @BounceTv #AutobiographyOfMalcolmX

Monday, August 17, 2015

@ThisWeekABC #ThisWeek from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: ask #ValeriePlame #FairGame about mishandled #secrets, not #ImNotSmart #TreyGowdy. @SmShow

@GlennaOn10 #TWISF from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL:  @realDonaldTrump sees problems, but not that half of #America is effectively #poor.  @SmShow

Saturday, August 15, 2015

@tutticontenti @rosalyncni Also, why do they have money to burn?  Do they work 1000x harder than the #minimum, so they are worth 1000x more?

Friday, August 14, 2015

@loudobbsnews Do you still have an email at @cnbc?  Wrong!

@Thom_Hartmann of #NorthMiamiBeach #FL:  I would have reminded your #paranoid your caller about illegal #voters @AnnCoulter and @MittRomney.

@CoastOilSpill @JennaMarbles says #ThanksObama ... for making #carbon worthless without $5T in #subsidies. @SmShow @BpShow @Thom_Hartmann

@SmShow #GoodBodyEveryMorning! RT 73% through Sexy Liberal!: Of Me I Sing by Miller, Stephanie on Kindle for Android! http://www.amazon.com/kindleforandroid/

Thursday, August 13, 2015

@elerianm @MariaBartiromo @zerohedge from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: @Jenna_Marbles says #ThanksObama to @SmShow #SexyLiberal

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

@SurvivorMed @SenSanders #Wealth is created and destroyed.  It redistributes up instead of down, to purchase luxuries instead of schools.

@MajorityFm from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL:  #CompareAndContrast the #TPP negotiations to the #Hawaii scene in #TheInformant movie.  @NprAtc

@SmShow from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL:  did @MarcoRubio pledge allegiance to the #ProjectForaNewAmericanCentury?  @Thom_Hartmann @NormanGoldman

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

@RealDonaldTrump from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL:  sir, I am confused by your focus of #1990s issue of #PoliticalCorrectness, #Chinese, #Mexicans.

@ScienceNews @NASAKennedy Where are plaques to #RonaldWilsonReagan and #GeorgeWalkerBushJr who rushed launches in deadly Jan. weather? #666

@MajorityFm from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL:  did @JebBush cheer the #HousingBubble, the #exodus of #teachers and #nurses, and Jan. #referendum?

Monday, August 10, 2015

Again?  RT Stop Rockin': Neil Young Blasts Donald Trump for Using Classic Song Without Clearance http://nbcnews.to/1GXLqBp via @nbcnews

@MeetThePress #MTP #TWISF @Thom_Hartmann @WLRN from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: we have a four-party system. #DNC, #DLC, #GOP, #TEA.  #FeelTheBern

@BpShow @MeetThePress #MTP:  @POTUS #WhatIsaKardashian #FullCircle.  #KimKardashian did not know #MegynKelly.  @HillaryClinton debate photo!

Friday, August 7, 2015

@NormanGoldman @Jenna_Marbles #ThanksObama @MajorityFm RT @jimpavia: US jobs post solid gains; unemployment flat http://t.co/csRXGUIFpz

Thursday, August 6, 2015

@Thom_Hartmann from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL:  @DWStweets learned from #GeorgeWalkerBushJr, #OperationIraqiLiberation to reveal product in Fall.

@Thom_Hartmann from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL:  #Democrats needs to quote #MollyIvins to the #NRA, #NotAntiGunProKnife. @NicoleSandler  🔫 🔪

@repjohnlewis Sir #RuthBaderGinsburg said not to throw away the #umbrella. Throw away the #CagingLists @JebBush permitted before #BushvGore.

@WLRN @MorningEdition from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: when did #Iran call for the destruction of #Israel? @MikeMalloyShow on phrase #RegimeChange

@SmShow @MorningEdition #ILookLikeAnEngineer @BpShow @Thom_Hartmann @MajorityFm @NormanGoldman @RudePundit domnogin . blogspot. com

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

@Thom_Hartmann from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL:  I am enjoying your smartphone app.  The #BovineHormone case is #LegalPrecedent for #MediaDeceit.

@AnnCoulter @KrisKobach1787 Can we imprison #CorporateEmployers of #UndocumentedWorkers, like in #Colorado?  #CorporationsArePeopleMyFriends

@MarkGKirshner Previously, on #DoctorWho.  #ThePandoricaOpens

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

@WLRN @Marketplace @MorningEdition from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL:  #PuertoRico crisis was brought to you by #UBS.  @RingOfFireRadio @MajorityFm

@Hardball_Chris #MTP from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: what were you doing on #MeetThePress, annoying @DWStweets? Ask @Reince about #mercantilists!

Monday, August 3, 2015

@WPLGLocal10 #TWISF of #NorthMiamiBeach #FL:  the #PuertoRico #crisis was brought to you by #UBS. #WorldNewsTonight @RingOfFireRadio @BpShow

Sunday, August 2, 2015

@CBSMiami from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: #WorldMiamiCenter screams #SkyscraperCurse especially when the next #StockMarketCrash hurts brokerages.

@GlennaOn10 #TWISF #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: #MiamiBeach mayor lost the #PaulHarvey vote. #AndNowYouKnowTheRestOfTheStory #RelentlessForProgress

@MeetThePress #MTP from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: @realDonaldTrump is right about #22percent real #unemployment according to #ShadowStats. @NBC6

@MeetThePress #MTP from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL:  @JebBush @ExcelinEd is a #KochInLaw.  #WeAreKoch #ProgressiveVoices @SmShow @Thom_Hartmann

@MeetThePress #MTP from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL:  some #PoliceRecruits are rejected for #HighIntelligence, says @Thom_Hartmann.  #FinalExam

@MeetThePress #MTP from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL:  ask @Reince the difference between #Republicans and #mercantilists. @DWStweets @Thom_Hartmann

Friday, July 31, 2015

@Thom_Hartmann from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: poor #wages, legal or not, #subsidize #profits.  #TheHighCostOfLowPrices #TimeChangerMovie on @TBN

@TopicalCurrents #NorthMiamiBeach #FL:  how few #Miamians can afford #housing and #transportation?  No #buses or #shelters at #BusShelters!

@SmShow from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL:  have you seen the @RockOfAgesMovie?  I thought of you during the #CatherineZetaJones @UCLA #monologue.

@HillaryClinton from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL:  I saw you here in #1992 in nearby #Aventura.  Welcome back to my backyard!  @POTUS #MissYouMuch

Monday, July 27, 2015

Bernie Sanders: Racism, Economic Inequality are 'Parallel Problems' http://nbcnews.to/1Ou9laN via @nbcnews ...

Thursday, July 23, 2015

@Thom_Hartmann from #NorthMiamiBeach:  you would think that #Connecticut, land of #Yale and the #CoastGuardAcademy, would want #SmartPolice.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

@ThePokeDistrict @NormanGoldman at 6pm EDT tonight on #ProgressiveVoices and #AirAmericaRadio. com

@BpShow from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL:  @RossPerot took votes equally from @BillClinton and #Bush41, a bad example for @realDonaldTrump. @SmShow

@Thom_Hartmann from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: #ThisAmericanLife did a story about a #policeman who exposed illegal #quotas, only to be harassed.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

@BillClinton @POTUS from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: Sirs, maybe the next #Democratic #President and #Congress can fix the #TelecommunicationsAct.

Monday, July 20, 2015

@Thom_Hartmann from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: the #Kuwaiti #Chattanooga shooting takes us #FullCircle to #Nadja, who lied to #Congress in #1990.

@sheenamwhite I am listening to @Thom_Hartmann but will later download @MajorityFm and @NormanGoldman.  @BpShow @SmShow #ProgressiveVoices

@RadioGuyChris from #NorthMiamiBeach:  play the @TODAYshow clip where #StutteringJohn asked @KatieCouric about @RossPerot and @HowardStern.

Friday, July 17, 2015

@AbcNews #WorldNewsTonight @WPLGLocal10 from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: ask #Nadja about the #ChattanoogaShooting. #PersianGulfWar #NormanGoldman

@MorningEdition @LeverageTnt #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: #GimmeaKstreetjob @BethRiesgraf @SmShow @JimWardVoices #cheerleaders #NFL #501c3 #charity

@BpShow from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL:  will @MorningEdition interview #Nadja about the #ChattanoogaShooting and the #Kuwaiti?  #PersianGulfWar

@JohnFugelsang @SmShow from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL:  @MorningEdition #ConservativePastors failed to ask why @FightFor15 is not a #FamilyValue.

@NormanGoldman from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL:  #America is awash in #GunsAndAmmoAndPoverty. #47percent #ShadowStats #22percentJobless @SmShow

Thursday, July 16, 2015

@andersonDrLJA from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL:  @BpShow @SmShow #ProgressiveVoices @Thom_Hartmann @MajorityFm @NormanGoldman @MikeMalloyShow

@NormanGoldman from #NorthMiamiBeach:  President #666 #GeorgeWalkerBushJr left the #InternationalCriminalCourt before he #TorturedSomeFolks.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

@BizRpt from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: what #OperationIraqiLiberation #FreeMarket do you mean?  The $5T worldwide #CarbonSubsidy? @NormanGoldman

@OsscarVillaseca #SexyLiberal @BpShow @SmShow @Thom_Hartmann. @MajorityFm @NormanGoldman @MikeMalloyShow domnogin. blogspot. com

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

@normangoldman #absolutely! #Democrats rarely lie but no one listens.  #Republicans often lie and everyone listens.

@normangoldman #absolutely! #Democrats rarely lie but no one listens.  #Republicans often lie and everyone listens.

Monday, July 13, 2015

@OnPointRadio @CITACenter read the 1990s book #TheHighwaymen about #amalgamated media, forcing people off #TV and #radio to #NewMedia.

@OnPointRadio @CITACenter from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: #VirtualAddiction was predictable. Ask @wilw and @AshleyJudd about #TheGame, #StarTrek.

@OnPointRadio @CITACenter #Miami: did #China learn nothing from #1990s #American #BootCamps?  Playing outside in bad air!  #VirtualAddiction

Saturday, July 11, 2015

@Thom_Hartmann from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: @MorningEdition did a story on conservative pastors in politics. Violation of #501c3 or #LBJ laws?

Friday, July 10, 2015

@Thom_Hartmann from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: @MorningEdition story on #OPM interviewed #StuartBaker.  Was he #DirectorOfLessonsLearned? @SmShow

Thursday, July 9, 2015

@MorningEdition from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: #ExcessiveBail is #unconstitutional. #RikersIsland #FairHousing vs #ReverseRedlining @FrangelaDuo

@MorningEdition #SouthSudan at 4.  #OperationIraqiLiberation #oil #ResourceCurse @WLRN

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

@frangeladuo @SMShow @MorningEdition Sorry, #SexyLiberals.  The @LaTimes #BlackTwitter story ignored how #income affects #Twitter usage.

@FrangelaDuo @SmShow from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL:  @MorningEdition story on #BlackTwitter forgets it is easier on $25 plans and #ObamaPhones.

Monday, July 6, 2015

@AbcNews #WorldNewsTonight from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL:  fires from heat and drought? @AlGore and @MelissaEth warned you! #AnInconvenientTruth

@HereAndNow from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL:  your cute music clips pushed out references to CallInOates . com vs. #1982, #DigitalAudioTape fears.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

@Thom_Hartmann from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL:  #CharlesKoch and @realDonaldTrump are not #hoarders, but #kleptomaniacs vs. young, old and poor.

Friday, July 3, 2015

@SmShow from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL on #NoPantyDay: your #Safeword is #Palmdale because you are the #GreatestAmericanHero! #GAH @NormanGoldman

Monday, June 29, 2015

Net 10 Msg 34754

NET10 MSG: Reminder, you have 3 days left until your Service End Date.Buy a Plan today, put it in your Reserve & it will automatically be added on your due date
6/16 2:09 PM

NET10 MSG:Your Net10 service ends tomorrow! Buy & add a Plan to extend your Service End date.Tip: AutoRefill is the best way to renew your service automatically
6/16 2:09 PM

Sunday, June 28, 2015

@ThisWeekABC #ThisWeek #TWISF @GlennaOn10 from #NorthMiamiBeach: #MajorityRule and #StatesRights vanished with #BushvGore and @KenBlackwell.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

@realDonaldTrump from #NorthMiamiBeach:  you should debate other @BiIlionaires like @kochie_online, not @TheMuppets like @JebBush.  @SmShow

Thursday, June 25, 2015

@comix4life @Thom_Hartmann #SexyLiberal #ProgressiveVoices domnogin. blogspot. com @NormanGoldman @MajorityFm

@MorningEdition from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: all this chatter about #Millennials and #BabyBoomers.  What about #GenXers like @SmShow?  @BpShow

@SmShow @MorningEdition from @NorthMiamiBeach:  @BobbyJindal bet #Louisiana on #OperationIraqiLiberation #oil, not #education or #Medicaid.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

@KatTimpf @loudobbsnews The $5T in global #CarbonSubsidies could put every child in school K-20 with #RoomAndBoard with $ to go.  #Matthew25

Sunday night, @UnderTheDomeCBS returns with @MargHelgen of @CSI_CBS, @ErinBrockovich and @IntelligenceCBS.

@BostonGlobe #HandyManDad lost out to #Reaganomics, the #Mancession of #2008, #NAFTA, #MFN with #China, and #GATT.  @Thom_Hartmann

Friday, June 19, 2015

@VelmaBAlfonso from #NorthMiamiBeach:  #HappyFathersDay @NormanGoldman @MikeMalloyShow @POTUS @VP @BpShow @SmShow #SexyLiberal @MajorityFm

@EricHolder from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL:  #ThankYouForYourService @Thom_Hartmann @MajorityFm @NormanGoldman @POTUS @VP @BpShow @SmShow

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

@ThisWeekABC #ThisWeek #TWISF from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL:  ask @GovChristie about #RetirementMoney wasted on #HedgeFunds.  #CollegeWasEasier

@TMZ Tom of #MySpace @MySpace was a question on 1vs100 with @BobSaget, maybe with #AlisonDubois.

@LorettaLynch from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL:  Congratulations, Counselor.  @BpShow @SmShow @MajorityFm @NormanGoldman @MikeMalloyShow @POTUS @VP

@SmShow from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL:  I heard #BillyFromTexas on @Thom_Hartmann before you.  I feared his head would explode, like #Scanners!

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

@WPLGLocal10 #TWISF from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL:  will #AstronautWivesClub inspire a similar show about #FemaleAstronauts before #SallyRide?

@WLRN @MorningEdition from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: @JebBush is #JohnEllisBush, with #Jeb as a #nickname like #Skip.  He signed #PNAC for #oil.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

@GlennaOn10 @MichaelPutney #TWISF from #NorthMiamiBeach:  would #KatherineHarris or #MichelleRhee be the @JebBush running mate?  #Recount

Friday, June 12, 2015

@NormanGoldman from @NorthMiamiBeach on #ProgressiveVoices:  contrast the #PatRobertson #ClimateChange #AlSharpton ad with his #DiamondMine.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

@foxandfriends Parents working 2 and 3 jobs like in #Argentina 3-17-2005?  Blame #Reaganomics, not #Obamanomics.  Give #policemen partners.

@brandnilesh @BpShow @SmShow #SexyLiberal @MajorityFm @NormanGoldman @JohnFugelsang @VanessaBayer domnogin. blogspot. com #WalterBlock

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

@MajorityFm of #NorthMiamiBeach #FL:  @TheBriefcaseCBS should be counter-programmed with #RepoMan and #PulpFiction. @srcorrespondent @SmShow

@MajorityFm of #NorthMiamiBeach:   @CBS #UndercoverBoss should be counter-programmed with #aConnecticutYankeeInKingArthursCourt and #HenryV.

@MajorityFm of #NorthMiamiBeach:   @TheBriefcaseCBS should be counter-programmed with #TheBox #TwilightZone episode then @CameronDiaz movie.

Monday, June 8, 2015

  just showed  on . Use the  quote about the conflict between the press and money.

@kdeleon @NprFreshAir on #hunger and #population. @KingsmanMovie @Thom_Hartmann @LeoDiCaprio #The11thHour @AlGore @WLRN

@PoliticalLaughs #JohnHarwood and @CNBC rely on #LowTaxes to keep up the #WallStreet #casino #bubble until the @Thom_Hartmann #2016 #crash.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

@View_Find note #JohnHarwood and @CNBC rely on #LowTaxes to keep up the #WallStreet #casino #bubble until the @Thom_Hartmann #2016 #crash.

@CNBC Tuesday #DominicChu discussed the stress of #WallStreet. How much of that is fear of layoffs for profit in good times?  @SyidMassiah

@CNBC Tuesday #DominicChu discussed the stress of #WallStreet. How much of that is #SpartansVsRomans, of #Japanese #karoshi vs. non-burnout?

@Forever5th #NorthMiamiBeach #TWISF: @NormanGoldman explained how #Ferguson failed to #IndictaHamSandwich. #ProsecutorialMalpractice @SmShow

@GlennaOn10 #NorthMiamiBeach #TWISF: @NormanGoldman explained how #Ferguson failed to #IndictaHamSandwich. #ProsecutorialMalpractice @SmShow

@ThisWeekABC #ThisWeek @MarthaRaddatz from @WPLGLocal10:  when do #LibertyCity or #Overtown get an #ExtremeMakeover like in #Iraq?

@GlennaOn10 from #NorthMiamiBeach:  @NormanGoldman explained how #Ferguson failed to #IndictaHamSandwich.  #ProsecutorialMalpractice @SmShow

Saturday, June 6, 2015

@TheBGizzle from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: @WaitWait starts in an hour on @NPR.  #CharliePierce

@MattyIceAZ from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: @WaitWait starts in an hour on @NPR.  #CharliePierce

Friday, June 5, 2015

@NormanGoldman from #NorthMiamiBeach:  #TLC should replace #TheDuggars with #SexyLiberal @SmShow where inappropriate groping is mandatory.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

@WLRN @MorningEdition from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: What does #Qwest think about two-hop phone records?  #CountryWideTap @Thom_Hartmann @SmShow

@NormanGoldman from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL #WINZ: #Republicans think life is a formula. #Democrats know it is a balanced equation. #Highlander

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

@MorningEdition from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL @WLRN:  thank #TimeReleased #opiates for #addicts like #PhillipSeymourHoffman.

@SmShow #SexyLiberal from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL:  when will #SarahPalin and #LynnCheney use their $ to make an #Alaska town for #RapeVictims?

@SmShow of #NorthMiamiBeach: if #HillaryClinton wins the primary, #RandiRhodes should drive #ImperatorFuriosa down I-4 in a big rig. #MadMax

@SmShow @BpShow ask #BradleyManning RT @RollingStone: #CaitlynJenner, and moving past the transition narrative: http://t.co/SOiiNs0LyJ

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

@OnPointRadio from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL @WLRN:  did you mention the #AprilFoolsDay #2001 plane incident with #China?  #NCIS @NCIS_CBS

@NormanGoldman from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: let the #TeaParty vote for the #USSR, the #UnitedStatesSocialistRepublicans who saved #Blackwater.

Monday, June 1, 2015

@SmShow Valedictorian denied speech rights after planning to come out as gay: http://aol.it/1Q0UB8v via @AOL

Sunday, May 31, 2015

@SmShow Sanders Compares His 1972 Gender-Roles Essay to '50 Shades of Grey' http://nbcnews.to/1AGCoWA via @nbcnews

@SmShow Sanders Compares His 1972 Gender-Roles Essay to '50 Shades of Grey' http://nbcnews.to/1AGCoWA via @nbcnews

@SmShow #SexyLiberal
Santorum: Supreme Court Doesn't Have Final Word on Same-Sex Marriage http://nbcnews.to/1crMwqM via @nbcnews

SHORT SURVEY: What do you think about the Democratic presidential candidates so far? Take @BoldProgressive's survey: http://pccc.me/1Ll6ork

@ThisWeekABC #ThisWeek from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: your #philanthropy story vs. the @RalphNader novel #OnlyTheSuperRichCanSaveUs.  #WeAreKoch

@ThisWeekABC #ThisWeek of #NorthMiamiBeach #FL:  ask @SenSanders about the illegal #labor #cartel that enriched #GeorgeLucas and @BillGates.

Saturday, May 30, 2015

@RandiRadio All Aboard Florida Trips Between Miami and Orlando Will Cost About $143  http://www.miaminewtimes.com/news/all-aboard-florida-trips-between-miami-and-orlando-will-cost-about-143-7648544 via @miaminewtimes

Friday, May 29, 2015

@NprAtc of #NorthMiamiBeach:  your #dystopian story #TheLastJob was cute.  @Thom_Hartmann knows why #TheLeisureSociety did not happen.  #666

@Thom_Hartmann, #NorthMiamiBeach:  #FoxNews is like #LifestylesOfTheRichAndFamous or #Cribs, #FalseConsciousness with #billionaires. @SmShow

Thursday, May 28, 2015

@POTUS sir, how can we end $5T in worldwide carbon subsidies? #AskPOTUS #AskKoch @Koch_Industries #NorthMiamiBeach #FL @NormanGoldman

@MorningEdition @NormanGoldman @SmShow from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL:  #RickSantorum had a sweetheart #mortgage while many suffered #subprime.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

@Gym_GirI from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL:  #ProgressiveVoices @BpShow @SmShow @Thom_Hartmann @SamSeder @MajorityFm @NormanGoldman @GeorgeNooryC2C

Monday, May 25, 2015

@TheBradBlog $5T wasted on #CarbonSubsidies would pay back #OperationIraqiLiberation and alter #America to #renewableenergy. @BpShow @SmShow

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

@SmShow from #WINZ:   I want a #Republican primary debate called #FairGame, by @ValeriePlame, #JoeWilson, #SeanPenn, #NaomiWatts, @AlGore.

@SmShow from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL:  #OperationIraqiLiberation stopped one #WMD, cheap #oil after the #embargo!  Watch #Dinosaurs #NutsToWar.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

@ScandalABC #Scandal #ScandalFinale #MellieForPresident @BellamyYoung @Jeopardy #PapaPope #MamaPope #B613 @JoshMalina @TonyGoldwyn

@MeTV is showing @StarTrek #AssignmentEarth with #TeriGarr and @WilliamShatner.  I would like to read stories about the imagined #spinoff.

@MelissaJoanHart #AreYouaGoodWitchOraBadWitch?  @MaximMag flashback, before @Walmart @SuperBowl ads and #DeflateGate.

@MorningEdition from #NorthMiamiBeach: thank you @Letterman for cutting a @WGAWest deal early, helping @CraigyFerg not @JayLeno.   @CbsMiami

@NormanGoldman from #NorthMiamiBeach:  @BizRpt says #earmarks include $1.2M for #tanks the @USArmy does not want.  @IkeLibrary #CrossOfIron

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

@WPLGLocal10 #LaurieJennings way to rock the pink leopard print.  @NekiMohan how does the #trilingual school afford its 13-to-1 ratio?

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

@BbcWorld from @NorthMiamiBeach: #ElNino?  Play the #RobertUrich clip from @ABC #TheLoveBoat reboot mentioning it!  @NormanGoldman

@BbcWorld from @NorthMiamiBeach @WLRN:  of course #Cuba has a #LungCancerVaccine, watch the movies #DieAnotherDay and #Sicko. @NormanGoldman

Monday, May 11, 2015

@MajorityFm RT Tell Senate to discuss military $ bill in public pic.twitter.com/wRHsj460bk Take Action with @Roots_Action http://bit.ly/1IZ8237

Sunday, May 10, 2015

@MeetThePress #MTP #WhereIsChuck in @NbcMiami: remind #NCTC how both radical #Christians and #Moslems used #AudioCassettes in the #80s. #oil

Thursday, May 7, 2015

@Vanessa_Medina @WSVN thank you for your #PoliceBrutality story from #WestBoyntonBeach.  Sad.  @NormanGoldman @KTLKNews

@NicholasHoult welcome to #TheTalk @TheTalk_CBS from @CbsMiami.  #XMenApocalypse #MadMaxFuryRoad @AishaTyler #WatchingMama

@gtherolf @NormanGoldman from #NorthMiamiBeach @Jenna_Marbles says #ThanksObama #FightFor15 domnogin. blogspot. com @MajorityFm @DavidLaz

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

@whpresscorps @NewYorker @billclinton to quote @KeeganMKey at #WHCD @HillaryClinton needs all the money! Ask @Koch_Industries why. @TandCmag

Sunday, May 3, 2015

@WPLGLocal10 from @NorthMiamiBeach @ThisWeekABC #ThisWeek @GlennaOn10: #BernieSanders will make #2016 fun, like @Dennis_Kucinich in #2008.
@MeetThePress #MTP #WhereIsChuck from @NorthMiamiBeach #TWISF: #BlackFathers have been an #EndangeredSpecies, one-third dead or jailed, etc.
@MeetThePress #MTP #WhereIsChuck from @NorthMiamiBeach #TWISF: no mention of #Baltimore #poverty, #WhiteFlight or #BrownVsBoardOfEducation2.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Thursday, April 30, 2015

@NprAtc #Aetna went from insuring #SlaveShips to paying @LivingWage. $153B subsidizes #42percent of workers under $15 an hr., productivity!
@SmShow from @NorthMiamiBeach #FL: did you or @JimWardVoices direct the #NaomiWatts #lesbian scene in the #Birdman movie? #BernieSanders

Monday, April 27, 2015

Social Security WLRN

@TopicalCurrents @WLRN of @NorthMiamiBeach: @RBReich knows a college degree is now essential for working class jobs, no @bankruptcy! @SmShow

Sunday, April 26, 2015

@CbsMiami @Letterman will have @RealJayThomas tell...

@CbsMiami @Letterman will have @RealJayThomas tell his #ClaytonMoore #LoneRanger story one last time. #MerryChristmas. 12/19
I'm standing with @YoBenCohen & Jerry of @BenandJerrys against stupid tax cuts #getmoneyout http://petitions.moveon.org/s/mufVyH @moveon #WatchingMama
@ThisWeekABC #ThisWeek #TWISF from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: I hope you spend as much time on @CharlesKoch as on the #ClintonCash. @MajorityFm

Thursday, April 23, 2015

@TopicalCurrents from @NorthMiamiBeach: ask @senatornanrich about #TermLimits; they force officials to replan their #PrivateSector careers.
@TopicalCurrents @WLRN from @NorthMiamiBeach: #TermLimits are part of the #Cincinnatus myth. #GeorgeLucas mocked it in #AttackOfTheClones.
@OnPointRadio from @NorthMiamiBeach #FL: #OperationIraqiLiberation aka #oil #ResourceCurse whether #Yemen or #Nigeria2015. @MajorityFm
@CNBC from @NorthMiamiBeach: #Facebook? Should I polish my #MySpace page also? You are focusing on #GenXers and #BabyBoomers. @MajorityFm
@OnPointRadio @WLRN from @NorthMiamiBeach #FL: poor @Yemen was called @Sheba three thousand years ago, e.g. @QueenOfSheba. @MajorityFm
@TopicalCurrents @WLRN of @NorthMiamiBeach: remove the $117K #SocialSecurity #IncomeCap, retire at 55 with at least $14K a year. @MajorityFm

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

#LaraParker appears now in #KungFu, on the #Decade...

#LaraParker appears now in #KungFu, on the #Decades channel.
@NprAtc @NorthMiamiBeach: your @AIGinsurance story ignores how they created an almost @quadrillion dollar $1Q @TIMEBOMB. @MikeMalloyShow

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

@EdShow #TeamEdShow from @NorthMiamiBeach: play the clip of @ScottWalker with a fake @CharlesKoch about #strikes. @msnbc @NormanGoldman
@kdrum @cynthetta @SmShow @MajorityFm @NormanGoldman from @NorthMiamiBeach: thank @THEHermanCain and the other #NRA. @FightFor15.
@SmShow @MajorityFm @NormanGoldman #FightFor15 RT @kdrum: Who Subsidizes Restaurant Workers Pitiful Wages? You Do. http://t.co/0KSvZ1s14c

Sunday, April 19, 2015

@USAgov! #TheNewsroom speech RT @GinsburgJobs: Am...

@USAgov! #TheNewsroom speech RT @GinsburgJobs: American-Made Weapons Fuel the Wars of Arab States http://t.co/7hhKRpMcT6

@anamariecox @cynthetta from @NorthMiamiBeach: @M...

@anamariecox @cynthetta from @NorthMiamiBeach: @MarcoRubio is @GenX not @Millennial, just like @SmShow is not a @GenX.
@ThisWeekABC #ThisWeek #TWISF from @NorthMiamiBeach: @BP_America story forgot 11 dead men, #dispersants that may have set afire @Ohio. #API

Saturday, April 18, 2015

@MorningEdition from @NorthMiamiBeach #FL: @JebBush gave so much; just watch @HBO #Recount with @KevinSpacey or W. with @JoshBrolin. #NCLB
@MorningEdition from @NorthMiamiBeach #FL: #1995 #OklahomaCityBombing was a gift from the @Bush41 #PersianGulfWar aka #NadjasWar, like #911.
@MorningEdition from @NorthMiamiBeach #FL: compare the @SouthAfrica migrant story with @RadioLab on Italian tomatoes vs
Zambian hippos.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

@NormanGoldman from @NorthMiamiBeach: when will you and @SmShow make @LeftOfTheDial: The Revenge on @HBO? @AirAmericaRadio @AlFranken
@Nightline #WorldNewsTonight from @NorthMiamiBeach: #wages tracked #productivity until #RonaldWilsonReagan #666. @Thom_Hartmann @MajorityFm

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

@MeTV is showing #TheAlternativeFactor with @WilliamShatner learning about a @multiverse fight between two identical men named #Lazarus.
@SmShow @NicoleSandler of #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: not all of us are @MarcoRubio #YesBabies. Tomorrow, a rally for a $15 an hour #LivingWage.

Monday, April 13, 2015

@AP from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: @MarcoRubio won a #plurality against @KendrickMeek in #2010, thanks to @CharlieCrist. #WatchingMama

Sunday, April 12, 2015

@ThisWeekABC #ThisWeek from @NorthMiamiBeach: @WeeklyStandard, @MarcoRubio won a #49percent #2010 @plurality thanks to @CharlieCrist. #MTP
@ThisWeekABC #ThisWeek from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: @CharlesKoch, what will whores @RandPaul, @ScottWalker, @TedCruz, @MarcoRubio do? #MTP
@ThisWeekABC #ThisWeek from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: what does @GovMikeHuckabee only knows to hate the #IRS? Ask #AlexandraBrooks about #Koch.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

P.S. HBO made both Kevin Spacey's RECOUNT, the insane 2000 election Bush v. Gore, and LEFT OF THE DIAL on the flawed talk radio reaction to it in 2004.
If you get BBC America, celebrate April 20 with DOCTOR WHO The Name of the Doctor, also on V.O.D., and 50th anniversary movie The Day of the Doctor. John Hurt!
Watch the movie The American President on The White House, and First Monday in October on The Supreme Court. Jeopardy. com test April 14-16. Time Changer=1897?
@Marketplace from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: job market dropouts for jobs under $20 an hour are ok, just like one parent at home vs. $20K a year.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

@MajorityFm from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: did the maker of #BilkRoad, aka #SilkRoad, know about the movie #TheInformant or its @NPR backstory?
@MajorityFm from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: does your guest #HenryWallace have a response to the movie #LeftOfTheDial? @MarcMaron @RandiRadio
@CNBC from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: 2pm EDT show, watch the #HumanVersusRobot speech in the movie #PrimaryColors; read about #1920s #Taylorism.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

@petesouza @NerdyWonka #SayItLoud! I'm No and I'm proud! #HappyEaster @BarackObama and @FLOTUS. 🌾

Saturday, April 4, 2015

@JVMuylle @MarcMaron @WTFpod @IFC from @NorthMiamiBeach: ten years ago, we heard, good morning philosopher-kings and -queens and lurking...
@rudepundit as #ScooterLibby told #JudyMiller, the aspens turn for you! What movies were about her, one with @VeraFarmiga as @ValeriePlame?
@MajorityFm from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: @MarcMaron once asked on his show, who is @SMShow? Have her as @TinaDupuy for the #KenKenAndKen show!
@MorningEdition from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: the #SilkRoad intrigue sounds like your #ADM story that was the #MattDamon movie #TheInformant.

Friday, April 3, 2015

@RadioGuyChris from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: #YouToldMeYouDidntKnowAnythingAboutDick from #TheLastDaysOfFrankAndJesseJames. @grittv #ItsFriday
@MajorityFm from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: tell #KenKenAndKen that @BarryUniversity is in #MiamiShores next to @MamaJennies #ItalianRestaurant.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

@ScandalABC from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: #Scandal #...

@ScandalABC from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: #Scandal #ScandalABC @BellamyYoung #TGIT #SaveOlivia @WPLGLocal10

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

@spooney35 @cspanwj from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: I wish this was #AprilFools, but #JohnEllisBush has to show his #conservative positions.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

@NBR from @NorthMiamiBeach #FL: @Movado does well, despite losing @KerryWashington as its #magazine #BackCover pitchman. #Scandal

Monday, March 30, 2015

@DevMichaelJones @PauleyP @Joey2cool @aussiemily @...

@DevMichaelJones @PauleyP @Joey2cool @aussiemily @AnnImp @KrisLindquist: was there #BowlingWithNuns? #NCIS

Sunday, March 29, 2015

@ThisWeekABC #ThisWeek @WPLGLocal10 from @NorthMiamiBeach #FL: @TedCruz, @RandPaul, @MarcoRubio and @ScottWalker all have #KochCareers. #KXL
@ThisWeekABC #ThisWeek @WPLGLocal10 from @NorthMiamiBeach #FL: @TedCruz, @RandPaul, @MarcoRubio, and @ScottWalker all have #KochCareers.

@RudePundit will I see you among the half-naked th...

@RudePundit will I see you among the half-naked throngs here in @Ultra? @SmShow #SexyLiberalShow @AsiaKim
@GlennaOn10 #TWISF from @NorthMiamiBeach #FL: @Ultra reminds us #MassTransit needs a boost both to be attractive and to reduce traffic.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

@BarackObama: stop the #budget crisis by declaring #CorporationsArePeopleMyFriend and the @IRSnews will tax #CapitalGains as #income. $1T?
@RadioGuyChris from #NorthMiamiBeach FL: outside @ultra, I may be sitting next to one of your @japanese @sexbots on an overcrowded city bus.

Friday, March 27, 2015

@WLRN @FloridaRoundup @TopicalCurrents from @NorthMiamiBeach: $ following students into other districts? Read 2nd #BrownVsBoardOfEducation!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

@MajorityFm: did @RickSantorum teach his supporters how to get sweetheart #mortgages or insulting @Maddow to lose a #Senate seat?
@Marketplace from @NorthMiamiBeach: I heard your interview with @AriannaHuff about #NationalSleepDay. Try #NationalMethDay of 16-hour days.

Monday, March 23, 2015

@WLRN #47Traitors RT @NRO: It's official! RT @tedcruz: I'm running for President and I hope to earn your support! http://t.co/1egHoV7dT4

Sunday, March 22, 2015

@GlennaOn10 #TWISF from @NorthMiamiBeach #FL @MiamiGardensFL and #Ferguson are the @PhilZimbardo #experiment with race not just class; fail!

@ThisWeekABC #ThisWeek @WPLGLocal10 from @NorthMia...

@ThisWeekABC #ThisWeek @WPLGLocal10 from @NorthMiamiBeach #FL: @MorningEdition #DrivewayMoment @JebBush #email!
@MeetThePress #MTP #WhereIsChuck @Nbc6 from @NorthMiamiBeach: #Illinois is no match for your native #Florida, land of @JebBush, #RickScott.
@MeetThePress #MTP #WhereIsChuck @Nbc6 from @NorthMiamiBeach: please interview @HowardKoch not his #whores @TedCruz @MarcoRubio @ScottWalker
@MeetThePress #MTP #WhereIsChuck @Nbc6 from @NorthMiamiBeach: an #American presence in @Yemen like the #UssCole in #2000? @RichLowry yuck!

Friday, March 20, 2015

@Corporations do better? RT Charleston Daily Mail Joseph Colangelo: How good intentions hurt the poor http://shar.es/1fDWCu via @sharethis

@AntennaTVOnline from @NorthMiamiBeach #FL: read t...

@AntennaTVOnline from @NorthMiamiBeach #FL: read the #FredRogers essay about #September11th. @WPBT2 @PBS
@Thom_Hartmann from @NorthMiamiBeach #FL: @Israel had a #TwoStateSolution since #1948. The other state is #Jordan. #Arafat #1973 handoff
@NormanGoldman from @NorthMiamiBeach: #Netanyahu has a #plurality; can we have 2nd choice voting? #BushTaxCuts sunset w/o a #supermajority.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

@KatieQLowes from @NorthMiamiBeach #FL: was @leverageTNT #Leverage good practice for #Quinn? #MarchMadness #TGIT @ScandalABC #Scandal
@ScandalABC from @NorthMiamiBeach #FL: #iAmTheDoctor #JoshMolina @WPLGLocal10 @ABCNetwork #TGIT #MarchMadness domnogin. blogspot. com
@NormanGoldman from @NorthMiamiBeach: a caller said the @FederalReserve was trying to dilute the price of #gold. Why is #platinum cheaper?
@NormanGoldman @MittRomney wants to go back to #1957; should we send him the @HappyDays cartoon where #Fonzie wants the same? @hwinkler4real
@don_t_tread @ThisWeekABC @JebBush @FOXTV; sorry for the delay. The @GOP lady said Jeb needed to avoid being a Bush. Jeb is #JohnEllisBush!

Sunday, March 15, 2015

@DeFede from @NorthMiamiBeach #FL: I blame @TomSwift for the @Taser. #ThomasaSwiftEnergyRifle #Stratemeyer #TWISF @BenStein likes @taxes.
@GlennaOn10 #TWISF from @NorthMiamiBeach #FL: #RickScott is not a #scientist, and neither is his #puppeteer @CharlesKoch. $889M @ScottWalker
@DeFede from @NorthMiamiBeach #FL: #DawgFight @BillyCorben play the #60Minutes interview of #DarioMoreno about #SouthFlorida as #ThirdWorld.
@DeFede from @NorthMiamiBeach #FL: the #DawgFight clip of #Perrine 212 mph reminds me of the #DjangoUnchained #bloodsport. @BillyCorben
@DeFede from @NorthMiamiBeach: the @IRSnews spends 3 percent on #employees getting missing $ not 25 with #PrivateContractors. #47Traitors
@ThisWeekABC #ThisWeek @WPLGLocal10 from @NorthMiamiBeach #FL: @JebBush without #Bush41? #JohnEllisBush like #JohnEllis of @FOXTV. #KochBros
@ThisWeekABC #ThisWeek @WPLGLocal10 from @NorthMiamiBeach #FL: play the #LBJ recording about #Nixon trying to scuttle #VietNamWar peace.
@MeetThePress #WhereIsChuck #MTP @Nbc6 from @NorthMiamiBeach #FL: play the #LBJ recording about #Nixon trying to scuttle #VietNamWar peace.
@nbc6 #MTP RT SURVEY: 2016 presidential race. Sure it's early. Where do you stand as of today? Take the survey: http://pccc.me/1A6utze

@wsvn is showing @WhiteCollarUSA, set in @Manhatta...

@wsvn is showing @WhiteCollarUSA, set in @Manhattan @NYC with a criminal and an @FBI agent switching places.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

#Shocked RT @GinsburgJobs: C.I.A. Funds Found Their Way Into Al Qaeda Coffers -- big surprise, CIA created al Qaeda http://t.co/YTT7lXFG7F

@CNBC a @Rolex can tell @time alone, not an @Apple...

@CNBC a @Rolex can tell @time alone, not an @Apple @iWatch. domnogin. blogspot. com
@WLRN @TopicalCurrents from @NorthMiamiBeach #FL: thank you for promoting @CarGuys on @WIOD for @Toyota. Play #ItsaWonderfulLife sketch.

Friday, March 13, 2015

@Davidlaz from @NorthMiamiBeach #FL: @LiamNeeson_ ...

@Davidlaz from @NorthMiamiBeach #FL: @LiamNeeson_ #Darkman #Suspect @TakenMovies domnogin. blogspot. com #47Traitors
@WLRN @FloridaRoundup from @NorthMiamiBeach #FL: if @CarbonDioxide is not a @Pollutant, what killed @sailors on the @Kursk? #WeCallItLife

Thursday, March 12, 2015

@WPLGLocal10 @JimmyKimmelLive @BarackObama #DowJones18000 #ThanksObama @BpShow @SmShow @Thom_Hartmann @NormanGoldman @JennaMarbles
@RadioGuyChris from @NorthMiamiBeach: ask @Thom_Hartmann for #LBJ angry at #Nixon for telling #NorthVietnam not to negotiate. #47Traitors
@SmShow from @NorthMiamiBeach #FL: #47Traitors think we need @MichaelDouglas from @StarChamber not #AmericanPresident. #iWantToDateYou

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

@CoziTv @BionicWoman #KillOscar #PartIII @JohnHous...

@CoziTv @BionicWoman #KillOscar #PartIII @JohnHouseman @fembots @NbcMiami @LeeMajors @LindsayWagnerxo

@CoziTv has @JohnHouseman as inventor of the @femb...

@CoziTv has @JohnHouseman as inventor of the @fembots. #BionicCombo @BionicWoman

Thursday, March 5, 2015

@npratc @npr_ed #IsaacAsimov warned us #computers would replace #teachers. Who knew it would be #ForProfit #CharterSchools with #iPads?

@IndyTech @Independent has this #Wales space plan ...

@IndyTech @Independent has this #Wales space plan been cleared by @torchwood_starz?
@OnPointRadio @BellevueDoc RT thanks, @BettyFriedan for going from #TheFeminineMystique to #ValleyOfTheDolls, #StepfordWives #LeanInTogether

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

@HereAndNow from @NorthMiamiBeach #FL: #EdwardWoodward said #NevilleChamberlain disrupted #Nazi plans at #Munich, not #appeasement. @BpShow

@RadioGuyChris from @NorthMiamiBeach #FL: @GetTv ...

@RadioGuyChris from @NorthMiamiBeach #FL: @GetTv is showing your favorite movie, @QueenBee. #SexyLiberal

Saturday, February 28, 2015

@npratc @NorthMiamiBeach #FL: @SteveIsraelNY is #TheEleventhDoctor; never put him in a trap! #DoctorWho #MattSmith domnogin. blogspot. com

Friday, February 27, 2015

@FloridaRoundup @WLRN from @NorthMiamiBeach FL: @MiamiGardensFL and @Ferguson #MO both have white police and black residents; @PhilZimbardo!
@FloridaRoundup @WLRN from @NorthMiamiBeach #FL: #PoliceTraining is a #RedHerring. Is training updated or regularly disregarded in field?

Thursday, February 26, 2015

@DrShow from @NorthMiamiBeach #FL: why are @AEI minions of @Koch_Industries not in a undisclosed bunker with @DickCheney instead of @NPR?
@HeyTammyBruce @AdamBaldwin @SpeakerBoehner @SenateMajLdr unelected commission like @SupremeCourtDC in #BushvGore? @USPS with @PoisonPill?

Saturday, February 21, 2015

@JohnFugelsang from @NorthMiamiBeach #FL: @OklahomaFacts include #Bush41 gave us @PersianGulf war thus @TimothyMcVeigh and @OsamaBinLaden.

Friday, February 20, 2015

@MorningEdition @NorthMiamiBeach: if @SameSexMarriage is illegal in #TX and #CorporationsArePeople, does that end @Mergers? @BpShow @SmShow

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

@PracticalMagic will be next on @SyfyTV.

@PracticalMagic will be next on @SyfyTV.
@WPLGLocal10 the #1995 #BusDriver incident was tragic. Is it likely to happen again? Does that say more about the low pay vs. #retention?
@MarketplaceWKND from @NorthMiamiBeach #FL: @Germany now sounds like #America a #century ago, exporting machines to the @ThirdWorld.
@MarketplaceWKND from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: our @MiddleClassRut is from #jobs now consolidated or mechanized, less pay; bls. gov $ vs. edu
@franyyz @Gotham could succeed like @CW_Smallville or fail like #BirdsOfPrey a decade ago, a show about 3 #heroines after @Batman. @Charmed?
@MarketplaceWKND from @NorthMiamiBeach: thank you for answering my question from last week; how do you find and keep @preschool @teachers?
@AlanGrayson from @NorthMiamiBeach: I missed much of #FloridaRoundTable who played your segment on 93.9 FM, probably #Am610Wiod. @SmShow

Monday, February 16, 2015

@franyyz Just ask #BirdsOfPrey how well a @Batman ...

@franyyz Just ask #BirdsOfPrey how well a @Batman show does without tights unlike @CW_Smallville. @Gotham @jadapsmith

Saturday, February 14, 2015

@BBCR1 @WLRN played your story about @ScottWalker and evolution, ignoring the #BishopOfUsher and the #ScopesTrial #InheritTheWind. @KochBros

Friday, February 13, 2015

@psael @NorthMiamiBeach #FL: @NormanGoldman @WashingtonWeek #WashWeek @MclaughlinGroup #McLaughlinGroup @NBCGrimm #Grimm @NBCConstantine
@DiscoverMag love is a low-level @codependency. #WhenaManLovesaWoman #movie. domnogin. blogspot. com @NorthMiamiBeach #FL #FridayThe13th
@M3Mktg @NorthMiamiBeach #FL: @NormanGoldman @WashingtonWeek #WashWeek @MclaughlinGroup #McLaughlinGroup @NBCGrimm #Grimm @NBCConstantine
@WLRN #TFR from @NorthMiamiBeach: if @JebBush wins the nomination, will #Democrats quickly put #Recount #DVDs in #newspapers and #mailboxes?
@WLRN #TFR from @NorthMiamiBeach: how much #profit have Marvin and @JebBush @ExcelinEd profited from #NCLB test prep? @majorityfm

Thursday, February 12, 2015

@TonyMichael @JebBush, really #JohnEllisBush like @FoxNews contributor #JohnEllis his cousin, has no chance at being #President. #GeorgeIII?
@AllenWest How can #AfricanAmericans inflict their own damage when the field is imbalanced against them? Maybe @NicoleSandler can explain.
@matthewtoren @ScandalABC #Scandal #SaveOlivia @HTGAWMUpdates #HTGAWM #TGIT #tgitisback domnogin. blogspot. com @NormanGoldman @MajorityFm
@DanMalloyCT @ScandalABC #Scandal #SaveOlivia @HTGAWMUpdates #HTGAWM #TGIT #tgitisback domnogin. blogspot. com @NormanGoldman @MajorityFm
@jbspharmd @ScandalABC #Scandal #SaveOlivia @HTGAWMUpdates #HTGAWM #TGIT #tgitisback domnogin. blogspot. com @NormanGoldman @MajorityFm
@Marketplace from @NorthMiamiBeach #FL: is the new #CyberSecurity a publicity stunt for @CsiCyber with @PattyArquette after @Intelligence?

@Depaepef from @NorthMiamiBeach @BigBang_CBS #BigB...

@Depaepef from @NorthMiamiBeach @BigBang_CBS #BigBangTheory #Powerball #BobSimon #JonStewart domnogin. blogspot. com

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

@WLRN from @NorthMiamiBeach: #WhyDontYouLoveMeDav...

@WLRN from @NorthMiamiBeach: #WhyDontYouLoveMeDavidDuchovney #FreshAir
@KemperProject @NorthMiamiBeach: #Kemper domnogin. blogspot. com @BpShow @SmShow #SexyLiberalShow @MajorityFm @NicoleSandler @NormanGoldman
@Marketplace from @NorthMiamiBeach #FL: How much @profit does @JebBush @ExcelinEd and @MarvinBush get from @CommonCore #StandardizedTests?
@loudobbsnews @washingtonpost from @NorthMiamiBeach: #WeDidntStartTheFire @RadioGuyChris @randiradio #HeShouldTalk domnogin. blogspot. com

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Check out @domnogin's Tweet: https://twitter.com/d...

Check out @domnogin's Tweet: https://twitter.com/domnogin/status/565363941669625856?s=09
@RadioGuyChris from @NorthMiamiBeach @AgentCarterTV #AgentCarter lamest use of a #RifleScope since #Schneider in #OneDayAtaTime. #GirlOnGirl
@MFordFuture @NCIS_CBS @ABCNetwork @WPLGLocal10 @AgentCarterTV @WSFLTV @CW_network @CW_TheFlash @cw_spn #Supernatural @AngerMgmtFX #Miami
@Marketplace did your #Brickell #Miami #FL story include #CRA funding in the name of #UrbanBlight? @WPBT2 #Issues report by @HelenFerre.
@HOTFIREMEDIATV @NCIS_CBS @ABCNetwork @WPLGLocal10 @AgentCarterTV @WSFLTV @CW_network @CW_TheFlash @cw_spn #Supernatural @AngerMgmtFX #Miami
@JennaMarbles #ThanksObama @bizrpt job hiring at a #14year High. Why is #gold worth $25 an ounce over #platinum? @MajorityFm @RealAlexJones

Monday, February 9, 2015

@Darcyiaa from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: @Gotham @SleepyHollowFOX @wsvn @2BrokeGirls @ScorpionCBS @CbsMiami domnogin. blogspot. com @BpShow
@RoloTechInfo from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: @Gotham @SleepyHollowFOX @wsvn @2BrokeGirls @ScorpionCBS @CbsMiami domnogin. blogspot. com @BpShow
@LuxuryLifeClub from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: @Gotham @SleepyHollowFOX @wsvn @2BrokeGirls @ScorpionCBS @CbsMiami domnogin. blogspot. com
@DerekCressman from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: @Gotham @SleepyHollowFOX @wsvn @2BrokeGirls @ScorpionCBS @CbsMiami domnogin. blogspot. com

Sunday, February 8, 2015

@Defeat_GOP from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: #TWISF @GlennaOn10 @WPLGLocal10 @OnceUponTimeABC #FacingSouthFlorida @DeFede @TheGRAMMYs @CbsMiami
@ Defeat_GOP from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: #TWISF @GlennaOn10 @WPLGLocal10 @OnceUponTimeABC #FacingSouthFlorida @DeFede @TheGRAMMYs @CbsMiami

@aimee_beck from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: #TWISF @Gle...

@aimee_beck from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: #TWISF @GlennaOn10 @WPLGLocal10 #FacingSouthFlorida @DeFede @TheGRAMMYs @CbsMiami
@Communist_Dog @cspanwj from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: Better a #LivingWage in the real #economy than subsidizing #vineyards. #WhereIsChuck #MTP
@Communist_Dog @cspanwj from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: #AmericanCitizens will work #vineyards for a #MinimumWage of $20 an hour. #WhereIsChuck

Friday, February 6, 2015

@BarackObama @MclaughlinGroup from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: read the end of #TheSongOfRoland where #knights of #Charlemagne burned #synagogues.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

@FrankTheDoorman #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: @nbc6 @NBCBlacklist @NBCAllegiance domnogin. blogspot. com @ScandalABC @HowToGetAwayABC @WPLGLocal10
@tvtagConstntine #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: @nbc6 @NBCBlacklist @NBCAllegiance domnogin. blogspot. com @ScandalABC @HowToGetAwayABC @WPLGLocal10
The Rich Get Richer—and More Educated - http://m.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2015/02/the-rich-get-richer-and-more-educated/385166/
@blasscykWINS #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: @nbc6 @NBCBlacklist @NBCAllegiance domnogin. blogspot. com @bpshow @SMShow @Thom_Hartmann @majorityfm
@WayneBogda #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: @nbc6 @NBCBlacklist @NBCAllegiance domnogin. blogspot. com @bpshow @SMShow @Thom_Hartmann @majorityfm
@LindaSuhler #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: @nbc6 @NBCBlacklist @NBCAllegiance domnogin. blogspot. com @bpshow @SMShow @Thom_Hartmann @majorityfm
@njcar from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: domnogin. blogspot. com @nbc6 @NBCBlacklist @NBCAllegiance @NBCGrimm @NBCConstantine @bpshow @SMShow
@ImKeithDavid @NorthMiamiBeach: #SuperBowl50, @Nationwide should play the #Gargoyles clip where #Brooklyn shoots a gun with tragic results.
@Y_Abdourazakou #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: @nbc6 @NBCBlacklist @NBCAllegiance domnogin. blogspot. com @bpshow @SMShow @Thom_Hartmann @majorityfm

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

@RichardAngwin from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: @DanQuayle #birthday @majorityfm @MikeMalloyShow @bpshow @SMShow @Marketplace @nicolesandler
@chanel_lovelove from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: @DanQuayle #birthday @majorityfm @MikeMalloyShow @bpshow @SMShow @Marketplace @nicolesandler
@RickardGetzfwn from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: @DanQuayle #birthday @majorityfm @MikeMalloyShow @bpshow @SMShow @Marketplace @nicolesandler

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

@RadioGuyChris from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: did @SMShow wish #SexyLiberal @morgfair a 65th #HappyBirthday like @MorningEdition? @FlamingoRoad
@popist #NorthMiamiBeach @ABC @WPLGLocal10 @SharkTankABC @AgentCarterTV @ForeverABC @jimmykimmel @MilIa_Kunis @MilaKunisWeb @mila_kuniss
@ufo2day #NorthMiamiBeach @ABC @WPLGLocal10 @SharkTankABC @AgentCarterTV @ForeverABC @jimmykimmel @MilIa_Kunis @MilaKunisWeb @mila_kuniss
@TremblyLawFirm of #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: #ProgressiveVoices @bpshow @SMShow @Thom_Hartmann @MikeMalloyShow @edshow @randiradio @majorityfm

Monday, February 2, 2015

@npratc from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: how can I be b...

@npratc from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: how can I be bored when there is so much stupid to correct?
@NprAtc from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: with half of public @schoolchildren now poor, does online course improve or worsen the @digitaldivide?
@nprnews from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: with half of public @schoolchildren now poor, does online course improve or worsen the @digitaldivide?
@Marketplace from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: is @USTreasury #JackLew responsible for @sequestrations? If something is too stupid, it will happen!

Sunday, February 1, 2015

@jumblejim from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: You were in...

@jumblejim from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: You were in the movie #TheGoldenMan aka #Next; how does #SB49 end?
@AdamParkhomenko @nbc6 @SNFonNBC @nfl #SuperBowl #SuperBowlXLIX #SB49 domnogin. blogspot. com @CNBC @MiamiHEAT @NBCBlacklist @CBSMiami
@CodeNonProfit @nbc6 @SNFonNBC @nfl #SuperBowl #SuperBowlXLIX #SB49 domnogin. blogspot. com @CNBC @MiamiHEAT @DwayneWade3 @CBSMiami @SmShow
@RickardGetzfwn @nbc6 @SNFonNBC @nfl #SuperBowl #SuperBowlXLIX #SB49 domnogin. blogspot. com @CNBC @MiamiHEAT @DwayneWade3 @CBSMiami @SmShow
@MavrocksGirl in #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: @IonTv #WPXM is showing #SpaceCowboys, forty minutes and counting. #ClintEastwood #DonaldSutherland
@sfairika @nbc6 @SNFonNBC @nfl #SuperBowl #SuperBowlXLIX #SB49 domnogin. blogspot. com @CNBC @MiamiHEAT @DwayneWade3 @CBSMiami @SmShow
@zantawolf @nbc6 @SNFonNBC @nfl #SuperBowl #SuperBowlXLIX #SB49 domnogin. blogspot. com @CNBC @MiamiHEAT @DwayneWade3 @CBSMiami @SmShow
@Marketplace of #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: @elizabethforma says #MinimumWage should be $15 by #productivity, $22 by profit. @Australia #Denmark
@majorityfm from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: I heard @RushLimbaugh say #taxes on @BiIlionaires will not help the #MiddleClass, talked #529s. Huh?

Friday, January 30, 2015

@ShawnUpchurch @WPBT2 @WashingtonWeek #WashingtonWeek @MclaughlinGroup #McLaughlinGroup domnogin. blogspot. com @bizrpt @Marketplace @SmShow
@Thom_Hartmann from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: watch the TV episode #ZorroFightsHisFather where the hero is blamed for #ClassWarfare. #TaxMoney

Thursday, January 29, 2015

@WPLGLocal10 #TgitIsBack @ScandalABC #TGITWithdrawal #TGITWithdrawalEndsTONIGHT @kerrywashington @tonygoldwyn @joemorton #613commandments
@MorningEdition from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: Your @Seahawks story forgets an @NCAA #FullRide is four one-year #contracts not one four-year.
@NormanGoldman from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: even @npratc knew @ScottWalker would take credit for natural #JobGrowth, just like our #RickScott.
@SmShow from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: @bbcworldservice #Witness interviewed @cbrangel about #ShirleyChisum and her #1972 #PresidentialCampaign.

@OnPointRadio @JoshWyner #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: may...

@OnPointRadio @JoshWyner #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: maybe guest thinks #MedianIncome $160K not $44K? #Australia!

@OnPointRadio @JoshWyner from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL...

@OnPointRadio @JoshWyner from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: @MorningEdition taught us quasi-homeless children vs.HS

@OnPointRadio @JoshWyner from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL...

@OnPointRadio @JoshWyner from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: your #30s #LibertyLeague guest disliked HS for all too!
@OnPointRadio @JoshWyner from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: before #2008, the rule was a 4-year degree paid for itself in 10 years. Free #college!

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Why the #TripleSalary then? from #NorthMiamiBeach RT @TIME: @McDonalds #CEO out as burger chain loses sizzle http://t.co/7wDrtcwH8e
@RepublicanSwine I learned in #1980s not all #Russians were evil #Soviets. Teach that not all #Americans are mostly-selfish #Republicans.
@LivingSenior #Auschwitz70 domnogin. blogspot. com #SuperBowl #SuperBowlXLIX #Snowmageddon2015 @cw_spn #Supernatural @History #SonsOfLiberty
@TheTakeaway from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: since the #government is not drilling for oil, #GovernorRickScott should fight it like @JebBush did.
@MorningEdition from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: #Senator @ChuckGrassley also had a #nurse arrested for seeking @SinglePayer @HealthCare. @SmShow

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

@SmShow will #CheapOil make an #OBL? RT @MiamiHerald: '3-breasted' Tampa woman accused of DUI: http://t.co/9IzenM9wDB http://t.co/Qr6bRrLTrl

Monday, January 26, 2015

@HISTORY @TPPatriots should be watching #SonsOfLiberty to see what it takes to fight against a #corporatist #government not an elected one.

@TheTakeaway from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: @BarackOb...

@TheTakeaway from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: @BarackObama has to keep the seat warm for @JebBush or #GeorgeIII.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Thursday, January 22, 2015

@MiamiDadeCounty @MDCYouth @TheMillennials know #MassTransit can be as $ as a #CollegeDegree; the #90sin4words #McJobs with your masters.
@bizrpt @Marketplace @WPBT2 from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: I saw @gold surpass #platinum this week. Is there an index to track this, like #PtAu?
#MosheDayan @politico: Harry Reid will undergo surgery in attempt to recover vision in his eye http://t.co/4CbH771v48 http://t.co/ZtX1FNZAPA

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

@Marketplace #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: give #retirement by expanding @SocialSecurity not more vapid #pensions. End the $117K cap, retire at 55!
@Davidlaz from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: @MittRomney is more of an #AmericanPsycho than a #BruceWayne, says @mtaibbi of his #ChopShop business.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

@VP #JoeBiden from #NorthMiamiBeach FL: I am glad you are easing #CollegeDebt since you made it #BankruptcyProof in #2006 as #Senator. #SOTU
  1. wealthiest owning as much as the other of the population, telling us our .

Monday, January 19, 2015

@Thom_Hartmann from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: #666 #Ro...

@Thom_Hartmann from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: #666 #RonaldWilsonReagan #GeorgeWalkerBushJr #TheDevilYouKnow @NormanGoldman #MLKDay
@SMShow from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: @PopeBenedictXIV may not have punched, but shot at Allied planes in #WWII, then hurt @JohnKerry in #2004.
@SMShow #Miami#FL: thx for working #MLKDay llve. Get #AaronSorkin to redo #TheNewsroom w/ you jealous of @randiradio dating @nicolesandler.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

@Thom_Hartmann from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: thanks to Sunday guest hosts about the book #Injustice and #SCOTUS blessing #ForcedSterilization.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

@TaylorSwift13 @SpeakerBoehner #Miami #FL: you just made #millions of fans vote #Dem in #2016. @BLS_gov will tell you how #degrees pay back.
@SpeakerBoehner #Miami #FL: you just made #millions of #TaylorSwift fans vote #Dem in #2016. @BLS_gov will tell you how #degrees pay back.

Friday, January 16, 2015

@WLRN @Marketplace from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: your #SaintPatricksDay #2005 story about #Argentina #professionals with 3 jobs vs now. #Bush43

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

@AgentCarterTV #AgentCarter until @ForeverABC #For...

@AgentCarterTV #AgentCarter until @ForeverABC #Forever in #NorthMiamiBeach #FL. #TgitWithdrawal
@WPLGLocal10 @ABCNetwork shows @ABCSharkTank #SharkTank then @AgentCarterTV #AgentCarter until @ForeverABC #Forever in #NorthMiamiBeach #FL.

@EastonMcfalldhd #HappyNewYear2015 do you like my ...

@EastonMcfalldhd #HappyNewYear2015 do you like my #politics or my #TvPicks? domnogin . blogspot . com
@TopicalCurrents from #NorthMiamiBeach asks when @MorganStanley took over #oil #commodities to #profit in #2008? #TheCrookedE @Enron
@OnPointRadio from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: @JebBush on #Recount and @MittRomney on the #47percent both have #DaddyIssues and no #Agendas.

Monday, January 12, 2015

@majorityfm from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: I heard about #Lousiana @CharterSchools. Do they think #aLouisianaStory and #ThunderBay are real?
@AgentCarterTV is on @WPLGLocal10 @ABCNetwork in an hour, after @SleepyHollowFOX on @wsvn. #NorthMiamiBeach #FL #TgitWithdrawal
@majorityfm @SamSeder from #NorthMiamiBeach #FL: I finally heard your response to @rushlimbaugh on @FoxNewsSunday. No #WhiskeyRebellion?
@RadioGuyChris @JebBush kept #Bush43 from putting #OilRigs on #coastline. #DVDs of #Recount in #newspapers like #Obsession? @nicolesandler

Sunday, January 11, 2015

@ThisWeekABC #This Week @RBReich: #MittHappens @JebBush at @tenethealth is a gift for @mtaibbi like @MittRomney at @BainCapital.  @bpshow

Saturday, January 10, 2015

@MeTV is showing @StarTrek #TheSquireOfGothos on @WPLGLocal10 10.2 inspired the #novel #qSquared by #PeterDavid with #CaptainPicard rematch.
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